facial hair


Tinder Gets Ad Money From Gillette Without Actually Displaying Ads

You might be hard pressed to find a dude with a clean-shave face these days, so it might come as no surprise that razor companies are interested in whether or not beards, stubble and other facial hair styles are a fad or have staying power. That’s why Gillette turned to cool kid on the block Tinder to find the answer, spending advertising bucks without ever placing an actual ad. [More]

Men: The Pride You Take In Your Hairy Face Is Worrying The Shaving Industry

Men: The Pride You Take In Your Hairy Face Is Worrying The Shaving Industry

All that time you spend grooming, brushing, oiling, massaging and generally worshiping your hairy face is great and all, but the people who make razors and other shaving products aren’t so pleased with the increasingly popular hirsute look. From stubble to fully-flowing follicular masterpieces, facial hair isn’t just for lumberjacks and hipsters anymore. [More]

s Fusion Razor Review With Built-In Laser-Ion Cannon

Gilette s Fusion Razor Review With Built-In Laser-Ion Cannon

Copyranter, a disaffected but unbowed copywriter, has a “nice,” i.e. fanged, review of Gilette’s new Fusion razor, which, in keeping with predictions by The Onion and Mad Magazine, features five blades, 10 microfins, a trimmer, a face-goo strip and an intergalactic sub-atomic ray gun.