Stroll around your favorite supermarket and you’ll see a cornucopia of deadlines stamped and printed on your food. That carton of milk says “Sell By,” the box of mac and cheese says “Best Before,” and the jar of horseradish has a “Use By,” none of which are official or necessarily an indicator of safety or quality, resulting in millions of pounds of food being wasted every year based on sometimes arbitrary dates. New legislation coming this week in both the House and Senate hopes to clear up the confusion over the many expiration date labels you find on food. [More]
Expiration Daze

New Legislation Tries To Clear Up Confusion Over “Sell By,” “Best By” & Other Expiration Dates

Burger King Expiration Stickers Can't Cover Up Shame
Burger King has some ‘splainin to do. When Reader Evan ordered a pie, he presumed that the stated expiration date was truthful… until he peeled back the layers of deception. Full story inside.

Always Check the (Sometimes Sketchy) Expiration Dates on Food
This is a friendly Consumerist reminder: always make sure you check the expiration dates on all of your food purchases, especially as alternative expiration ‘Codes’ confuse the employees checking for spoilage.