As the Euro drops to its lowest level against the American dollar in months, you might want to check out deals to head to Europe for a cheaper fall vacation. [More]

Wells Fargo Teller Explains The Ways Of The Desert To Customer
A misinformed bank teller at a Wells Fargo in Arizona was determined to explain how desert life worked to a woman who just wanted to buy some GPB (pounds sterling, aka British money).

Pretty Graphs Track Drowning Dollar
These graphs by GOOD magazine show how much the dollar has sunk against various currencies from May 07-April 08. But don’t feel too bad, folks, at least we’re giving the South African Rand a thorough drubbing.

Stores In NYC Start Accepting Euros
“We didn’t realize we would take so much in and there were that many people traveling or having euros to bring in. But some days, you’d be surprised at how many euros you get,” Chu said.

Icelandair Overbooks Flight, Delays Return By 43 Hours, Forgets To Compensate Passengers
A reader just sent us a description of her flight back from London to Minneapolis that reads like a synopsis of a particularly unpleasant episode of “The Amazing Race.” The return flight, on Iceland air, was supposed to go from Heathrow in London to Keflavik in Reykjavik, then from there to Minneapolis. The initial flight is delayed for 2 1/2 hours—but not to worry, Icelandair tells the passengers, because the other flight is being held. When they arrive in Iceland, however, there’s no plane waiting for them—it’s been overbooked, so the airline has sent it ahead and left the passengers stranded overnight.

Europe On Track to Pay Too Much for American Imperialist Pap (Still)
Poor Europe. Our friends in the Old Countries are constantly being squeezed by American technology companies, with prices for items like electronics and software at a huge premium to their American equivalents.