
Vicks Accidentally Says It's Been Around For 1,000 Years

Vicks Accidentally Says It's Been Around For 1,000 Years

A typo on the Vicks website makes it look as if Vicks is saying it’s been around for 1,000+ years. Yes, indeed, perhaps what really ended the Dark Ages was the discovery of Vaporub. With it, William the Conqueror’s congestion and coughing from hanging out in musty castles could be relieved and he could get on with the business of invading England and establishing a more unified and stable feudal system of governance. [More]

Pardon The Error

Pardon The Error

Yesterday we thought we remembered a survey that said if you mess up a customer’s service experience, then fix it, they’ll come back 2.5 times more loyal.

Consumerist; Brand Killer, Tabloid

Consumerist; Brand Killer, Tabloid

In a recent Brandchanel piece, Abram Sauer posits there are four states of mind for viewing Gawker blogs, different states positions ways to view Gawker blogs, “uncaring unfamiliarity,” fanboysim, playa haterism, and fear. Sauer writes “ has the most fear-provoking potential. This is because is a brand killer. “