Phil spent over a year trying to get Equifax to fix a problem with his credit report all the other bureaus had already taken care of. Phil sent countless letters to Equifax, some of which were cc’d to members of Congress. Nothing doing. Then he emailed us and we passed on contact info for Dinah Watson in Equifax executive customer service. She wasn’t able to explain why Equifax couldn’t resolve the problem before, but she was able to fix it.

Reader Gets Seemingly Intractable Equifax Problem Solved By Contacting Executive Customer Service

Reach Equifax Executive Customer Service
If you haven’t been able to solve your Equifax credit report problems through normal channels, you can escalate your issue to their executive customer service team. Here’s the info:

Why Equifax Doesn't Seem To Understand Your Letters
Mailing back and forth with Equifax can be like talking to a brick wall, except instead of bricks, the wall is made out of buttocks, and they’re farting all over your credit report.

Equifax Refuses To Fix Credit Report, Despite Overwhelming Evidence
Equifax continues to screw up Philip’s credit rating by reporting a late payment on a mortgage that was satisfied in full over a year ago.

Are Minors Responsible For Their Credit Card Debts?
We’ve had a couple of different people ask recently if one is responsible for credit card debts made as a minor. See, people under 18 aren’t supposed to get credit cards (unless an adult cosigns). Now, some of these people lied about their age to get the cards. That’s fraud. Fraud is bad. Don’t do it.
Get Another Free Credit Report, Even If You've Used Up Your Free One
There is another way to get a free credit report if you’ve already used up your free one per year through

Free Credit Report Nightmare Yields New ‘Screw Off!’ Champ!
We think we have a new favorite “go screw” line from a company: We understand that the privacy and security of your information is important to you; therefore we cannot provide a specific reason as to why we cannot fulfill your request. That just punches a steaming hand, Fist of the North Star style, right through the sternum of our old fave, We appreciate your concerns.