Theoretically, buying combination packs or buying an item in bulk should save you money. You’re giving the retailer more money, right? Only the pricing logic of big-box stores doesn’t really see things that way, and that’s where Target Math comes from. Target Math is when you pay more per unit for buying in bulk, like this combo-pack of printer ink where you pay an extra eight cents for the privilege of having your cartridges in one box. [More]

Printer Ink Sale At Staples Excludes Ink For Most Printers
You can’t use this Staples coupon anymore, because it’s expired since reader Chris sent it to us. That probably doesn’t matter in the long run, because you can’t use the coupon on ink cartridges from HP or Epson. “I’m guessing HP and Epson account for 85% of all printers out there,” writes Chris. That seems high, but those are two major brands in the industry. [More]

Epson’s New Printer Line Doesn’t Require Ink Cartridges Every 5 Minutes
The manufacturers of home inkjet printers have to make a profit somehow, and most companies choose the classic model of selling printers for a low price that gobble ink cartridges, which happen to also be sold by the manufacturer. Now Epson is introducing a new line of printers in the United States that costs more, but comes with refillable cartridges and enough ink to last for three years. Will American consumers be interested? [More]

Bad News: Canon Printer/Scanner/Copier/Ink Cartridge Devices Also Won’t Scan With No Ink
Yesterday, we posted reader Venkat’s story about his Epson all-in-one refusing to scan because the printer cartridge was empty. He vowed to shun Epson forevermore, and that he would replace his old printer with a Canon. Well, about that… Two different readers wrote in to let us know that Canon all-in-one devices are also ink cartridge-selling devices as opposed to all-in-one printer/scanner/copiers. [More]

My Epson All-In-One Needs Ink To Scan To A USB Drive
Imagine that you have one of those combination toaster oven-coffee machines that exist for some reason. You don’t have any more coffee in the house, but that’s okay, because you can still use it to make toast. Right? All-in-one printers don’t work on that principle. Venkat’s Epson Workforce 610 could still work as a perfectly serviceable scanner, but it can’t. Because Epson has made sure that if it doesn’t have a full inkjet cartridge in it right this minute, he can’t scan. [More]

Epson Sells Me Paper That Jams My Smudgy Printer, Hangs Up On Me
John bought his new Epson printer just a few months ago. He’s now attempted to use it to print photos twice, and neither attempt was successful. He found tech support discouraging: they hung up on him twice, then referred him to another office. Then, mysteriously, he was unable to log in to his account: the site told him that it didn’t exist. At this point, he’d rather be rid of the printer entirely. [More]

My Printer Is Holding My Document Hostage For A Light Cyan Ink Cartridge
Brandon’s Epson color inkjet printer/scanner/fax machine is holding his document hostage. Its sole demand: a fresh light cyan ink cartridge. It didn’t matter that he was trying to print the document in grayscale and that there was a perfectly good black cartridge already loaded. If he doesn’t add a new light cyan cartridge, he’ll never get his receipt. [More]

Printers Prompt For Ink Replacement Before Ink Is Out
An EPSON study found many printers will tell you it’s time to replace the ink cartridge before it’s actually empty.