
Dell: Let's Ship Tiny CDs In Massive Boxes!

Dell: Let's Ship Tiny CDs In Massive Boxes!

Dell has promised to stop shipping individual CDs in 10x19x10 boxes after Christian over at Technologist for Hire posted a rant about Dell’s growing love for wasteful packaging.


If you live in Texas, have a car that’s over 10 years old or has failed an emissions test, and you don’t make much money, you could qualify for a $3,500 voucher to be used towards the purchase of a new car. [TCEQ]

"Green" Walmart Has Decorative Moldings Made From "The Leg Holes In Disposable Diapers"

"Green" Walmart Has Decorative Moldings Made From "The Leg Holes In Disposable Diapers"

The Chicago Tribune is reporting that the first of Walmart’s new “high efficiency” stores is slated to open Jan 23, in Romeoville, IL. It’s part of Walmart’s super awesome PR-tastic, yet characteristically stingy plan to make its stores 25 to 30 percent more energy efficient by 2009.

Poison: The High Cost Of Cheap Batteries

Poison: The High Cost Of Cheap Batteries

Cadmium batteries are cheap and safe to use, but hazardous to manufacture. They’ll save you money—about $1.50 for the average cadmium-powered toy, says the Wall Street Journal.

How Much Packing Material Is Needed For A Headphone Adapter?

How Much Packing Material Is Needed For A Headphone Adapter?

Hey Consumerist!

China Bans Flimsy Plastic Shopping Bags

China Bans Flimsy Plastic Shopping Bags

The measure, effective June 1, eliminates the flimsiest bags and forces stores to charge for more durable bags, making China the latest nation to target plastic bags in a bid to cut waste and conserve resources.

Macy's Doesn't Care If  You Want To Save The Planet, Forces You To Take A Plastic Bag

Macy's Doesn't Care If You Want To Save The Planet, Forces You To Take A Plastic Bag

Some people would rather not take a plastic bag if they don’t need one, ourselves included, because a) enough with the plastic bags already b) it’s wasteful and bad for the planet to take plastic bags when you really blatantly don’t need or want them.


Today California sued the EPA over its refusal to let states enact their own greenhouse-gas laws. “Fifteen states plan to intervene on California’s behalf, including 13 of those that have either adopted or are in the process of adopting the rules. Delaware and Illinois, which have not passed the standards, also are part of the lawsuit.” [New York Times]

Biodegradable Coffins, "Composting At Its Best"

Biodegradable Coffins, "Composting At Its Best"

Biodegradable coffins allow you to rest in peace without putting a permanent dent in the planet or your wallet.

Schwarzenegger Says California Will Sue Federal Government Over Emissions Ruling

Schwarzenegger Says California Will Sue Federal Government Over Emissions Ruling

Today the EPA announced that California and 16 other states will not be allowed to make their own laws governing greenhouse gas emissions, because “The Bush administration is moving forward with a clear national solution, not a confusing patchwork of state rules.” California’s robot leader of the future and erstwhile killing machine promptly announced that California will be suing the federal government, and in a press conference today said that “It’s another example of the administration’s failure to treat global warming with the seriousness that it actually demands.”

Crate & Barrel's Wooden Spoon Packaging Is Very Efficient

Crate & Barrel's Wooden Spoon Packaging Is Very Efficient

Reader Mark says:

I recently ordered two wooden spoons, a wooden spatula and a silicone spoon rest from crateandbarrel.com – all in the same transaction. Today I received these two big boxes! One box (10x7x20) held ONE 13.5″ spoon. The other box (13x13x7.5) held the other spoon, spatula and spoon rest.


The Six Sins of “Greenwashing,” how companies try to fool customers into thinking they’re more environmentally responsible than they really are. [TerraChoice]

Congratulations, You've Earned $0.00 Borders Bucks!

Congratulations, You've Earned $0.00 Borders Bucks!

Remember Allison? Borders refused to sell her a copy of Harry Potter without a plastic bag to serve as a proof of purchase. Allison recently received an email from Borders inviting her to print out a certificate to redeem $0.00 Borders Bucks. How lucrative wasteful. Allison writes:

Study Shows Shoppers Will Pay More Than Necessary For Fair Trade Goods

Study Shows Shoppers Will Pay More Than Necessary For Fair Trade Goods

A new Harvard study shows that shoppers—at least the crazy rich ones who frequent ABC Carpet and Home in New York City (if you’ve ever been inside ABC, you know the sort of people we’re talking about)—will not only gravitate toward products labeled “fair trade” over identical but unlabeled products, but will buy even more of them when the prices are raised.


The Center for Environmental Health is taking legal action against Apple, because “the levels of phthalates (a group of chemical compounds… that increase flexibility) in the iPhone are in violation of California law.” They say if the company doesn’t agree to recall current iPhones, they will file suit. [Wired]

Upgrade Or Repair Your Home With Eco-Friendly Products

Upgrade Or Repair Your Home With Eco-Friendly Products

Despite all the media attention, buying well-made, affordable products that are also environmentally sound is still a difficult task. Kiplinger’s “Shopping Guide to Eco-Friendly Products” offers several suggestions to help you buy green and get a solid deal on major appliances, lawn care, building supplies, and home maintenance.


Two-thirds of CFOs at retailers in the U.S. are “actively involved in green practices,” and of those, two-thirds said that they’re doing it to improve or protect the company’s image. Most of the remaining third cited tax breaks or regulatory requirements as motivating factors. [Reuters]

Online Guide To Home Energy Savings

Online Guide To Home Energy Savings

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy has just updated its Consumer Guide to Home Energy, which “draws on the latest research on home performance and energy use, translating research findings into the practical steps consumers can take to cut their energy consumption.” The guide is offered for purchase, but you can also access highlights from it fro free online.