A lesson for you drone owners out there trying to get just the right shot: if you crash your unmanned aerial vehicle into a famous landmark, you should probably just kiss it goodbye. Because if you ask for it back, you may find yourself arrested, like one New Jersey man who police say flew his drone into a little New York City landmark called the Empire State Building. [More]
empire state building

Starbucks Launches “Green Apron Delivery” Pilot At Empire State Building
After months of will-they-won’t-they, Starbucks has officially begun tests of what it’s called the most-asked-for service: coffee delivery. About 12,000 coffee-lovers in Manhattan’s Empire State Building will have the opportunity to have cups of java dropped off at their workplace with the launch of a pilot program called Green Apron Delivery. [More]

Seattle & The Empire State Building To Serve As Testing Grounds For Starbucks’ New Delivery Service
When creating a plan to test its long-awaited delivery service, it comes as no surprise that Starbucks would choose its own turf in Seattle. But in a bit of an unusual choice the company also chose a second location: The Empire State Building. [More]

Just What Tourists At The Empire State Building Needed: A Ford Mustang Blocking The View
In a publicity stunt that rivals its original stunt from 50 years ago, Ford perched a shiny yellow Mustang on the observation deck of the Empire State Building. [More]

Man Sued Over Pic Of Topless Woman At Empire State Building Redefines “Tourist Attraction”
Oh, the sights you can see from atop one of New York City’s Empire State Building! Over there is the Statue of Liberty! And look, yonder! It’s a young hipster just rolling out of bed at noon on a Thursday! But one sight the landmark building’s management didn’t want visitors to see on the Observation Deck was a topless model taking it off for a photographer’s camera. [More]

You Can Steal The Empire State Building In Only 90 Minutes
The Daily News has stolen the Empire State Building, and it only took 90 minutes. They made up some fake paperwork and successfully got the deed to the 102-story landmark transferred to a fake company called “Nelots Properties LLC.” Get it? Nelots? Stolen? The information provided to the city register was laughably fake — King Kong star Fay Wray was listed as a witness.