For residents in four U.S. cities, it’s about to get more expensive to buy soda or other sugary drinks after voters okayed new taxes on these beverages. [More]
election day

Recreational Marijuana Use Just Got Legalized In A Bunch More Places
Yesterday, voters in nine states voted on ballot initiatives related to marijuana — decriminalizing it, regulating it, taxing it, or legalizing for either medical or recreational marijuana use. So who voted yay, dude, and who voted nay? [More]

Here’s Where Voters Can Score Election Day Freebies & Deals
You might have heard that tomorrow is Election Day, a day when Americans will vote not only on who will lead our country for the next four years, but also on numerous ballot initiatives that could affect consumers in many states. To mark the occasion, several businesses are offering up special freebies and discounts. [More]

Uber, Lyft, Zipcar Offer Free Or Discounted Rides To Polls On Election Day
Election Day is nearly here, and millions of Americans will head to their respective polling places on Tuesday. You might be able to drive, walk, bike, or jetpack to your voting site, but for those who need a ride (or just a car), a handful of companies are offering free or discounted options. [More]

Court Says Ballot Selfies Are Illegal In New York, At Least For This Election
Weeks after one federal appeals court ruled that New Hampshire’s ban on photos inside the voting booth is unconstitutional, a federal district court judge in New York state has come to a different conclusion about that state’s prohibition against sharing photos of your ballot. [More]

Ban On Selfies In The Voting Booth Is Unconstitutional
With a little more than a month to go before Election Day, we finally have some clarity on that age-old legal question: Am I allowed to take a selfie in the voting booth? [More]

Selfies In The Voting Booth? Not So Fast.
When exercising your right to vote for the next President of the United States it might be tempting to document the once-every-four-years event with a selfie. But before you hit the camera button, you should know your state laws, because in some areas of the U.S. the now-popular voting booth selfie is illegal. [More]

If You Want To Drink On Election Day In S. Carolina Or Kentucky, You’d Better Buy Booze Today
No matter which side you’re rooting for (if any) in tomorrow’s election, if you live in South Carolina or Kentucky you have another choice to make, thanks to a holdover from Prohibition days. You can either buy booze today to toast your team tomorrow or go without. Both states outlaw the selling of alcohol on Election Day, either in restaurants or at liquor stores. [More]

Election Day Robocall Barrage Takes Out Comcast Phone Service In New England
Political robocalls annoy the hell out of just about everyone, but on Election Day Eve this year in New England, things somehow got even worse. A barrage of last-minute automated calls to voters in New Hampshire and part of Massachusetts actually took down Comcast’s phone network. “Between 5:30 pm and 7pm, whenever I tried to call out on Comcast VOIP the phone either would not dial or there would be a message saying all circuits were busy,” writes David, who lives in the affected area. “I know – I should cancel the landline!” Only if the robocallers have your number. [More]

McDonald's Boss Tells Employees To Vote For His Candidates Or Risk Losing Pay Raises & Benefits
The owner of a McDonald’s restaurant in Canton, OH, may have gone a little too far in attempting to get out the vote for the candidates he supports in tomorrow’s election when he placed notes in his employees’ pay envelopes saying their pay and benefits were at risk if certain nominees didn’t win. [More]