
In-Flight Bunk Beds: Would You Rather Fly "Horizontally?"

In-Flight Bunk Beds: Would You Rather Fly "Horizontally?"

Economy-class passengers have had to settle for being packed into tightly regimented reclining seats for extended periods of travel, which have been blamed for causing potentially fatal blood clots known as deep-vein thrombosis, or DVT, in susceptible individuals.

Easy Money Drying Up, Taking The Economy With It?

Easy Money Drying Up, Taking The Economy With It?

What happens when easy credit, the lifeblood of our economy for the past few years, dries up? Consumer spending slows and people start mouthing the word “recession.”

H&R Block Continues To Hemorrhage Money

H&R Block Continues To Hemorrhage Money

The subprime lending arm of tax giant H&R Block continues to hemorrhage money, to the extent that it’s close to being unsalable, according to Bloomberg.

H&R Block Inc.’s mortgage unit lost a $1.5 billion credit line, falling “dangerously close” to the minimum amount demanded by a hedge fund firm that has agreed to buy the money-losing home lender.

Pending Home Resales Drop To Lowest Level Since September 2001

Pending Home Resales Drop To Lowest Level Since September 2001

Pending sales of existing homes dropped for the third straight month as troubles in the mortgage industry continue to disrupt the housing market. Figures released today show a 3.5% drop in May, following April’s drop of 3.2% and March’s drop of 4.5%.

Why So Sad? Consumer Confidence Is Down

Why So Sad? Consumer Confidence Is Down

The Conference Board, based in New York, said that the consumer confidence index fell almost five points, to 103.9, from a revised 108.5 in May, reaching the lowest level since August 2006, when the reading was 100.2. Analysts had expected a reading of 106.

Senate Passes Energy Bill With New Fuel Economy Standards

Senate Passes Energy Bill With New Fuel Economy Standards

The Senate has passed an energy bill that establishes new fuel economy standards.

How To: Drive Slower

How To: Drive Slower

Some of us owned a Geo Metro in high school and college, so we never had to worry much about this issue, but for those of you who have the ability to drive too quickly, this post is for you.

Only Two States Have Average Gas Prices Under $3

Only Two States Have Average Gas Prices Under $3

Congratulations New Jersey and New Hampshire! Your average price per gallon for that life blood we call gasoline is still under $3. New Jersey has the cheapest gas at an average price of just $2.93! How do they do it? More importantly, how did we managed to write this post without cracking a New Jersey joke? Because we’re above that, people. Yes, we are. —MEGHANN MARCO

Retail Sales Down: You People Stopped Buying Crap In April

Retail Sales Down: You People Stopped Buying Crap In April

Sales are down by record numbers compared to last year, when Easter was in April, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Sales at stores open at least a year, known as same-store sales, fell by a record 2.4 percent in April, the worst since the International Council of Shopping Centers started tallying the monthly numbers in 1970.

Ouch. Some stores were hit harder than others. Perpetually money hemorrhaging discount clothier Old Navy lost an eye-opening 20%. Walmart was down 4.6% and Target 6.1%.

The News; Rich, Creamy, Lung Cancer

The News; Rich, Creamy, Lung Cancer

• Nation’s factories prescribed Cialis. [NYT]

The News Can, and Will, Kill You

The News Can, and Will, Kill You

• 4th worst spammer in the world gets $1 million fine and is stripped of his powers to make your penis bigger. [CT]

The News: Hungover, Hating Self, World

The News: Hungover, Hating Self, World

• CMP Media trying to >prevent anyone from using the term Web 2.0. God, at least somebody is. [NYT]

Vice Costs More Money Than Money That Exists

Vice Costs More Money Than Money That Exists

Cigarettes costs society $167 billion dollars a year in health costs and lost productivity. Sweet liquid bread costs us $185 billion dollars a year. McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s? $115 billion. And indulging in carnivorism alone costs over $1 trillion a year. The tab of costs to our economy, according to research by various interests groups, is truly astronomical.