
H2O Police Says Just Light A Match Before Drinking

H2O Police Says Just Light A Match Before Drinking

At first glance this sticker I spotted on a water fountain appears to be from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, telling citizens that they’ve checked out the water and it’s probably safe. If you have any doubts about there being chemicals in there that seeped in because of hydraulic fracturing, don’t worry, just turn on the spigot and do the ‘ol match test and see if it bursts into flame. Wait, what? [More]

The Gym Made Of Wood

The Gym Made Of Wood

This is an outdoor gym made entirely of discarded orchard tree limbs and other pieces of recycled material. It bills itself as an eco-gym. Neat idea, but I wonder if anyone actually works out in it. [GOOD] (Thanks to c-side!)

Video: Turning Illegally Logged Wood Into A Walmart Toilet Seat

Video: Turning Illegally Logged Wood Into A Walmart Toilet Seat

It’s hard to think of an object that isn’t made of wood or packaged or encounters wood at some point in its journey through the economy. Any number of household items that you can buy at Walmart, like a toilet seat for instance, may very well be made from Russian wood.

Would You/Could You Use Greywater?

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Should I Put A Brick In My Toilet To Reduce Water Use?

A common trick for people concerned about water use is to put a brick in the toilet tank. However, some Public Works departments would prefer you fill a plastic bottle with sand or rocks and put that in the tank instead. They say that bricks can disintegrate and damage plumbing.