Ebola virus

After You Take Off Your Sexy Ebola Containment Costume, Donate A Real One

After You Take Off Your Sexy Ebola Containment Costume, Donate A Real One

Sure, Ebola containment suits are apparently a popular Halloween costume this year. We get it: the costume is easy to put together, timely, and some people find it amusing. Yet when they take off their fake hazmat suits (or their incredibly fake sexy hazmat suits) will any of the people wearing this costume think about the health care workers in western Africa whose lives depend on the real versions of these suits? [More]


Maker Of Giant Plush Microbes Sells Its Entire Stock Of Ebola Virus Toys

There’s nothing like a bunch of panicky people freaked out about a global health issue to give your business a boost. That is, if you happen to be in the niche industry of selling giant, plush toy microbes. The company behind fuzzy Black Death and adorable Listeria has been doing gangbusters business with its Ebola toys, now that everyone is convinced we’re all getting Ebola (we are not). [More]