Same-day delivery for online orders is a hot trend in retail, and Staples is hopping on the delivery van to compete. The office supplies retailer has a unique advantage, though: they don’t need to team up with a ride-hailing service or hire independent contractors to make deliveries. They already have a fleet of delivery drivrs and vehicles. [More]
easy button

Staples Uses Existing Commercial Delivery Fleet To Make Same-Day Online Deliveries

Video Of Home Depot Easy Button Ripoff In Action
Reader Ed went back to Home Depot and took a video of that Home Depot ripoff of the Staple’s “Easy Button” getting pressed. The mechanized voice released from inside says, “Don’t see the product you want you want on our displays? The Home Depot can still provide it! Ask an associate to set up a CFP to locate the product you want!” That’s a lot more words than when you push the original button, which says, “That was Easy.” Nice job, big orange, you steal someone else’s idea and then totally ruin the whole concept by adding a bunch of extra marketing language. [More]

Home Depot Rips Off Staples Easy Button
At least one Home Depot has been so inspired by Staples “Easy Button” that they came up with their own knockoff. Reader Ed sent in this photo of one of these buttons he spotted in his local Home Depot on the desk in the flooring department. When I first saw the picture, I thought that when you pushed it a giant mechanical hand would grab one of the experienced retired contractors who Home Depot fired and replaced with cheaper labor and drop him in front of you. Sadly, the reality is, as usual, much more mundane than my fevered imaginings. [More]