With its maze of one-way streets, congestion, aggressive taxi drivers, double-parked cars, occasional motorcades, parades, and exploding manhole covers, New York City can be a challenge for even the more skilled drivers. And if General Motors gets its wish, you could soon add driverless to this mix. [More]
driverless vehicles

University Will Offer Free Rides In Driverless Shuttles On Campus Next Fall
Students and faculty at the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor will have another option for getting around campus next fall, when the school will offer free rides in driverless shuttles. [More]

Is The Honeymoon Over For Pittsburgh & Uber’s Driverless Car Program?
Compared to Uber’s ugly, contentious one-week test of self-driving cars in San Francisco , the ridesharing company’s nine-month-old self-driving program in Pittsburgh has been rather peaceful. But after a number of broken promises, some city leaders are reportedly regretting this arrangement. [More]

Volvo Planning To Sell A Fully Self-Driving Car In 5 Years
Another day, another major auto manufacturer announcing plans for a self-driving vehicle: this time it’s Volvo, which says it will offer a fully autonomous car to luxury buyers in five years. [More]

Uber Launching Self-Driving Ride-Share Vehicles In Pittsburgh This Month
The ride-sharing experience of the future is coming to Pittsburgh this month, when Uber will launch a fleet of autonomous cars — custom Volvo XC90s — that come with a human being to supervise in the driver’s seat. [More]

Google Takes Self-Driving Prototypes To Texas For More Testing
Google is taking its driverless car technology on the road: after unleashing a new generation self-driving prototypes on the streets near its California home recently, the company says there’s a new driverless vehicles that will be tooling around Austin, TX. [More]