Putting an age-verification gate on an adults-only website is arguably as helpful in keeping curious kids away as putting a cardboard cutout of a burly bouncer outside of a nightclub. But if a tobacco company is going to have a strict age-block on its cigarette site, shouldn’t its e-cigarette website have the same restrictions? [More]
double standards

TSA Allows Airports To Hire People Without Finishing Background Check
While the TSA dare not let a hug-friendly 4-year-old go by without a pat-down, the agency is apparently just fine with allowing airports to hire new employees who haven’t gone through a complete background check yet. [More]

TSA Takes Its Sweet Time Considering My Claim, Rejects It When Don't Reply Immediately
Consumerist reader P.L. has a bone to pick with the Transportation Security Administration. Seems they’re of the belief that they can take six months to decide whether or not it’s their fault his video camera went missing from his luggage, but when P.L. takes a few weeks to answer their questions — well, that’s just not acceptable. [More]