The challenge of purchasing individual health insurance is about to get even more challenging, with less competition and less choice, for consumers in nearly a dozen states. Humana, one of the four national-level insurers operating in the country, has announced that it’s quitting the marketplace exchanges set up by the Affordable Care Act next year. [More]

Dominos Pizza Man Building Catholic Wonderland
Did you know the founder of Domino’s Pizza is building a Catholic utopia?

Dominoes Pizza Fires Driver for Being Robbed
Everyone has seen the signs saying, ‘The delivery does not have more than $20 in cash.’ Who knew that having more than $20 on hand was a fireable offense? According to The Roanoke Times, Christine Clayborne, a six-year veteran of pizza delivery with Dominoes, was fired after she was robbed on the job, because having more than $20 made her “look like a target,” she says. At least she’s kept a good sense of humor about the robbery:
Before she could respond, a man wearing a ski mask and crouched close to the ground sprayed her with a fire extinguisher.