Is there no end to the foul things parents hear their children’s toys say? Already this season Ariel the Mermaid has been accused of calling people “sluts.” Now the Bratz baby is saying fuck you to people. Could it be that the doll is singing “So Cute?” That’s what the lyrics posted on the Bratz website say, but that didn’t stop parents from alerting the media. In the news reports they actually beeped out “So Cute” when they played the song, as if that was going to help parents make an informed decision about whether or not “so cute” sounds too much like “fuck you” for their tastes.
Little Mermaid Doll Calls Child a “Slut”
Well, well, well. Who knew Ariel was a prude? Apparently, if you press the button on the talking Ariel fast enough, the toy cycles through such saccharine phrases as “Life is the bubbles” quickly enough that a secret message is revealed. “You’re a slut!”