
HOW-TO: Avoid Gelatinated Pedestrians, Make Your Own Air Conditioner

HOW-TO: Avoid Gelatinated Pedestrians, Make Your Own Air Conditioner

Speaking of childish encounters with swarms of insects, I also have a wonderful story about trying to prevent a one hundred pound air conditioner from plummeting out of the window down upon the hunched spine of my aged mother as a hive of wasps inserted their spiny protuberances into every pore of my face. Unfortunately, the full details of this epic tale of boy vs. air conditioner vs. a million angry wasps would far exceed Gawker’s newly instituted post character maximum limit.

Make Your Own Boingle Bucket

Make Your Own Boingle Bucket

Cut Down on Extraneous Discount Cards

Cut Down on Extraneous Discount Cards

Savvy bro Lifehacker got turned onto a great idea posted at DIY Mods on cutting down on all those extra store discount cards bursting out your purse.