
Walmart Wants You To Buy All Your Turkey And TV From Them This Year

Walmart Wants You To Buy All Your Turkey And TV From Them This Year

Walmart is ramping up the price war on another front. Instead of hardcovers, this time the retailer is cutting prices on turkey and flat-panel TVs, reports Bloomberg.

Walmart Now Offering New Hardcovers For $9

Walmart Now Offering New Hardcovers For $9

Walmart just tried to undercut Amazon on, of all things, books. They’ve announced that they’re now selling the “top 10 pre-selling books” for $9 each, with free home delivery. Amazon has responded by dropping its price to $9 on the same titles, but their free shipping doesn’t kick in until you buy $25 worth of merchandise (or pay the annual fee for Amazon Prime). Price war!

Do Something Nice, Go To Disneyland

Do Something Nice, Go To Disneyland

Disney’s gone and done something admirable again. We get it, Disney: you don’t want our golden poop. Fine.

JCPenney Tries Out Mobile Coupons In Houston Stores

JCPenney Tries Out Mobile Coupons In Houston Stores

If you live in the Houston area, you can now use your mobile phone to redeem coupons for JCPenney through a trial-partnership with Cellfire. You have to register with Cellfire in order to receive the promos via SMS or email, and if you register today you’ll receive a mysterious “$10 in$tant gift” [sic].

If The Coupon Doesn't Apply, You Must Not Buy

If The Coupon Doesn't Apply, You Must Not Buy

Most likely, this has happened to you. You have a great coupon for a restaurant or retailer, and go to use it only to find that for some reason, it’s been declined. Maybe it expired. Maybe it doesn’t apply to the item you bought. The question is: Do you still make the purchase?

California Is Having A Garage Sale!

California Is Having A Garage Sale!

This Friday and Saturday, the state of California is going to hold a massive garage sale (they’re actually calling it that) to try to get rid of surplus state property while also raising enough money to pay the bills for another month. If you’re in Sacramento you can attend the event in person. If not, you can still take a look at the things they’ve posted on eBay. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a cool car!

Reserving A Game At Target Apparently Doesn't Mean You'll Get It Day One

Reserving A Game At Target Apparently Doesn't Mean You'll Get It Day One

Back in April, Target announced an appealing if confusing reserve program that nets gamers a $5 gift card if they buy a game they reserved in advance by paying for a $1 reserve card — netting a $4 savings since the $1 doesn’t go toward the full price of the game.

Save Money On Groceries By Buying The Ugly Ones

Save Money On Groceries By Buying The Ugly Ones

Salvage grocers are stores that stock all the dented, crushed, slightly past their “best by” date products that consumers have been trained to avoid. Because of this, they’re the Dollar General or Big Lots of supermarkets, with prices up to half off regular store prices, says the Associated Press.

Students, That College I.D. Is A Universal Coupon

Students, That College I.D. Is A Universal Coupon

One great thing about being in college is everyone — including businesses — expects you to be poor. Thus, your student I.D. is good for a range of discounts, ranging from movies, restaurants, museums and sundry services. Wisconsin’s WSAW 7 cobbled together a list of 10 such targets.


Hershey is closing its online store ( at the end of the month, saying they can’t keep it running in this economy. If you like their “chocolate” products, everything on the site is on sale for 25% off. [LA Times] (Thanks to Robert!)

Royal Caribbean: Give Us $800 Or Find Another Ship

Royal Caribbean: Give Us $800 Or Find Another Ship

Royal Caribbean told Mary Hoefs at check-in that her family wouldn’t be allowed to board unless they paid $800 on the spot, even though Mary had paid for the cruise in full four months earlier. Royal Caribbean later refunded $400, but why did they choose to kick off Mary’s cruise with extortion? The answer, inside…

How Much Does That $12 Chain Restaurant Sandwich Really Cost?

How Much Does That $12 Chain Restaurant Sandwich Really Cost?

Chain restaurants are trying to lure in recession-weary diners with deep discounts, but franchisers worry that if you suddenly start paying half-price for sandwiches, you won’t be willing to pay full price when the economy recovers. We’re all accustomed to chain restaurant sandwiches costing $8 and up, but how much do those sandwiches really cost restaurants to make?


Here’s another free game for iPhone/iPod Touch owners to pass the time this weekend: Wild West Pinball. If you’re a Blackberry owner, Bplay has a 30% off sale going on right now—enter JULY in the code box at checkout. [IntoMobile]

Getting An Employee Discount From AT&T? You'll Have To Pay Up

Getting An Employee Discount From AT&T? You'll Have To Pay Up

An exciting new policy change took effect last week at AT&T Wireless. Have you recently started a new job, or joined a group that provides discounts on your cell phone service? Guess what? You get to pay a $36 fee per line in order to get your discount!

Best Buy Offers Enticing -$120 Off Laptop Price

Looking for an insane deal on a laptop? Look no further than Best Buy. They have a sale going on now that you wouldn’t believe. We got a screencap just in case you miss it.

Walgreens Cancels EasySaver Program, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Still Play "The Drugstore Game"

Walgreens Cancels EasySaver Program, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Still Play "The Drugstore Game"

Mitchell wrote to us complaining about Walgreen’s decision to cancel its EasySaver Rebate program, where customers could submit multiple rebate requests at once and get the money back along with a 10% bonus applied to a gift card. Although the program is no longer with us, it’s still very possible to game the reward/discount systems at Walgreens and other chain drugstores to accumulate huge savings. Sometimes you can even make money back.

Baseball Tickets Become Affordable Again As Recession Hits Scalpers

Baseball Tickets Become Affordable Again As Recession Hits Scalpers

Following up on yesterday’s roundup of recession-related deals, here is an article from Forbes on how scalpers, season ticket holders, and teams themselves are cutting deals on baseball tickets, with below-cost tickets, BOGO deals, and cheap food.

Best Recession Bargains From Consumer Reports

Best Recession Bargains From Consumer Reports

We know, we know: everyone’s poor. But just in case you want to offer your favorite retailer a little economic stimulus, Consumer Reports has rounded up a lot of discounts and deals on luxury purchases like cruises and basic things like, uh, a house. Our favorite tips, inside.