
Help, My KitchenAid Dishwasher Hasn't Worked Since July!

Help, My KitchenAid Dishwasher Hasn't Worked Since July!

Katy’s KitchenAid dishwasher hasn’t dissolved soap or cleaned dishes since July, despite receiving four new parts over seven service visits. KitchenAid’s service plan promises a replacement unit if the same part breaks three times, but KitchenAid still isn’t sure which part of Katy’s dishwasher is broken, and so they’re refusing to give her a new one. Does that seem fair?

Well, At Least It's Free

Well, At Least It's Free

Here’s a sign Flickr member betterbethany found in Portland, Oregon over the weekend. We like to imagine there’s a competitor’s sign nearby that just reads “Free Dirt.”