Anyone who’s familiar with Jurassic Park knows that all the dinosaurs in the park were engineered to be female — this, to control the animals from making their own dino babies and overwhelming the humans. So then why did Hasbro rewrite the Jurassic Park canon by rebranding its Jurassic World dinosaur toys as males in product descriptions for its raptor toys? [More]

Don’t Hold Your Breath Waiting For A Streaming Option From DirecTV
The future may be online, but satellite pay-TV company DirecTV isn’t exactly rushing to embrace that future with open arms. The CEO of DirecTV this week admitted that the company is investigating the option of starting their own streaming service, but he was less than enthusiastic about the idea, seeing it as unlikely to be profitable. [More]

Oh Heck Yes: You Can Buy A Dinosaur Skeleton If You’ve Got $640,000 Or So To Spare
Please hang on a second while I squeal like a little kid and squirm with joy in my seat: You guys — you can buy a dinosaur skeleton. Like, for real. The only thing is, you probably need some serious dough if you want to bring a Diplodocus home with you in the near future. [More]

Is That A Tyrannosaurus Rex Skeleton You’re Trying To Import Illegally Or — Wait, Dinosaurs?!
Perhaps there are some illegal items you could sneak past officials in order to sell them in the U.S., but advertising some really great dinosaur skeletons and fossils you’re ready to unload for the right price, well,that’ll likely get you snagged right quick. A man who described a lot for sale at auction with “a superb Tyrannosaurus skeleton” found out that was a speedy way to tip off the authorities or in this case, experts. [More]

Pretend To Be A Dinosaur, Get A Free House?
Housing in a major city like Vancouver is expensive. In order to achieve the dream of homeownership, you can work hard for years in order to save up for a down payment on a house. Or you can be like one enterprising resident, and offer your services as a pet pretend dinosaur on Craigslist in exchange for a house. It’s just crazy enough that it might… nah, it’s still not going to work. [More]

Walmart Recalls "Realistic Animals" Tainted With Lead
A plague of lead has stricken Walmart’s stock of “realistic animals”. Affected animals include farm animals, jungle animals, and even the feared dinosaur. The animals are currently trapped in chinsy cellophane bags clad shut by a brandless cardboard strip that proudly boasts: 88 Cents!
“Wal-Mart said independent testing revealed excessive levels of lead in the base material, not the surface coating.”