Urban Outfitters is no stranger to accusations that it’s ripped off designs belonging to others, or offended an entire culture with its clothing, but it can now put one more of those claims behind it after settling a lawsuit brought by the Navajo Nation in 2012. [More]

Virginia Artist Accuses Target Of Ripping Off Designs For Cellphone Covers
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but that’s not how one Virginia artist sees it. At least not in the case of cellphone covers she says Target and one of its suppliers copied from her designs. [More]

U.S. Mint Redesigns Penny
Here’s the new design for the back of the 2010 penny. Instead of the Lincoln Memorial there’s now a shield, or maybe a tiny badge that you can flash whenever you want to announce, “I have jurisdiction over your pocket change.” No, I’m pretty sure it’s a shield. [More]

Coke Is Going Retro-Futuristic With New Bottles
Look at Coke, getting all futuristic. First with these soda machines and now with these snazzy new bottles, spotted by the Orange County Register.

Forget all that spin about listening to customer complaints: it looks like the real reason Tropicana killed off its rebranding push after only two months is because sales dropped by 20% during that period, while some big competitors posted double-digit gains. We have a feeling Tropicana is going to end up in a lot of business and marketing textbooks in the future. [AdAge] (Thanks to Ross!)

There's Apparently Not Enough Room For Jell-O Pudding Pops Nutritional Information
“I was out shopping the other day when a box of Popsicle brand Jell-O Pudding Pops caught my eye. My local supermarket doesn’t carry them, so I thought I’d pick up a box as a treat. When going to open the box at home, I noticed a very suspicious location for the perforated tear-away opening strip.