Uber is again taking its toys and going home, this time leaving the entire country of Denmark after the country passed new taxi regulations that require drivers for hire to have meters and seat sensors, which apply to app-based transportation networks. [More]

DOT Won’t Force United To Honor Super-Low First-Class Fares Resulting From Glitch
Earlier this month, several people figured out that they could book super-cheap airfares on United Airlines’ website if they made it look like they were accessing the site from Denmark. The airline canceled those tickets after getting wind of the loophole, which it blamed on a software glitch. Thousands of people complained to the Dept. of Transportation, arguing the airline was illegally raising airfares post-purchase, but the DOT has decided that isn’t the case. [More]

United Blames Ridiculously Cheap First-Class Fares On Software Glitch, Won’t Honor Those Tickets
Yesterday, a travel blogger figured out that by changing United Airlines’ online booking page to Denmark, travelers could take advantage of what appeared to be a crazy conversion rate to buy super cheap tickets between London and Newark. But what do they say when something seems too good to be true? Yup. It probably is: United now says it won’t be honoring those fares, blaming a third-party software provider. [More]

Pioneering Denmark Distinguishes Itself By Starting Fat Tax
No more noshing Danishes for you, Danish people! Denmark is instituting the world’s first so-called “fat tax,” involving a price increase on foodstuffs that are high in saturated fats in an effort to deter citizens from buying them. [More]

Drunken Danes Strike For Workplace Drinking
The Danes — long used to the luxury of boozing it up with a flagon of ale through their breaks and then stumbling back to the mill to use their omni-digital and claw-like hands to tremblingly feed another log through the buzz saw — are up in arms over attempts to curtail their lunchtime inebriation.

Donkey’s Bum Makes for a Good Ad
Fantastic pack of commercials for “The World of Comedy International Film Festival.” Perfectly satirizes film festival preening, wherein artsy reporters intensely interview the makers of an a slapstick comedy as if they were auteurs.