debit cards

Cross Out The Tips Box On Receipts And Write In The Total

Cross Out The Tips Box On Receipts And Write In The Total

We do this little thing to protect against someone charging us more when we swipe with a card for a good or service that doesn’t require tip.

Reader Shares Personal Financial Security Protocols

Reader Shares Personal Financial Security Protocols

Reader and security researcher Nweaver has blogged the precautions he takes when managing his personal finances, from credit cards to debit to his brokerage account.

6 Things To Do When You Lose Your Wallet

6 Things To Do When You Lose Your Wallet

Losing your wallet is a major drag but if you act quickly you can mitigate the fallout, writes The Mint Blog:

Oh, Your Mom Might Know Your PIN? Then You're Not Getting Your $300 Back

Oh, Your Mom Might Know Your PIN? Then You're Not Getting Your $300 Back

Samantha, pictured holding a log more customer friendly than Capital One, had $300 stolen from her Capital One account, even though her debit card was still in her pocket. When she filed a claim with CapOne, not only did it take numerous contradictory phone calls with employees not knowing their ass from their elbow, her claim was denied. Why? Because she said on her claim form that her mother might know her PIN. Oops.

Never Try To Game The Float. Ever.

Never Try To Game The Float. Ever.

Used to be with check that you could count on there being at least 3 days between someone cashing your check and the charge being run on your account. The delay is called “float” and writing a check before you have the money but think you’re going to deposit enough is called “gaming the float.”

The $8,648 Burger King Bill

The $8,648 Burger King Bill

Guadalupe Pequino of Fountain Inn, South Carolina bought $8.64 worth of food from Burger King with her Visa Check Card. Unfortunately for Guadalupe, the cashier typed in $8,648.54 as her total and the amount was debited from her account. The restaurant corrected the error, but it took 5 days for the money to find its way back into Guadalupe’s account. “It was an honest mistake, and the store has done everything it can to credit the account,” the Burger King general manage said.

Debit Card Stolen, How Much Are You Liable For?

Debit Card Stolen, How Much Are You Liable For?

Federal law limits your liability to $50 if your credit card is stolen, but what about your debit card? It all depends on how fast you report it; the sooner the better, and if you wait too long, you’re totally screwed.

T.J. Maxx Gets Class Actioned For Credit Card Breach

A class action lawsuit was filed yesterday against TJ Maxx for allowing millions of customer’s credit cards to be stolen in a Jan. 17. security breach.

TJ Maxx & Marshall’s Hacked, Tons Of Credit Cards Stolen

TJ Maxx & Marshall’s Hacked, Tons Of Credit Cards Stolen

In mid-December, someone cracked into TJ Maxx’s computer system and stole a huge swath of credit cards.

Shopping At Macy’s? Check For Double-Billing

After spotting a duplicate charge for a single purchase she made last Wednesday, she emailed the Macy’s customer service. Macy’s contacted her and requested more details.

Road To Overdraft Hell Paved With Floats

The short answer to the questions raised in “National City Bank Loves Inexplicable Overdraft Fees” is simple. If you’re a broke-ass, don’t fuck with float.

National City Bank Loves Inexplicable Overdraft Fees

National City Bank Loves Inexplicable Overdraft Fees

Let’s play a game. Can you spot the problem below?

Reader Gets Scammed For $1000’s in Bogus Magazine Subscriptions

Reader Gets Scammed For $1000’s in Bogus Magazine Subscriptions

Anya responded to a telemarketer’s call 2 years ago and bought some magazine subscriptions. She thought she was going to pay “somewhere between 14 and 44 dollars a month,” and paid with her debit card.

Cali Dollar Trees Source of ATM Hacks

Cali Dollar Trees Source of ATM Hacks

Shopping at the Dollar Tree could end up costing you a lot. Hundreds of California patrons of the discount store report having money jacked from their debit accounts, reports KCRA. Most likely, this was through the use of cloned ATM cards.

What’s The Ultimate Banking Solution?

What’s The Ultimate Banking Solution?

When Credit Is Safer Than Debit

When Credit Is Safer Than Debit

Because US law protects you much better when you’re using borrowed money instead of cash, some situations might call for a credit card and some a debit.

Cingular Switches to Rebates By Debit Card

Cingular Switches to Rebates By Debit Card

Cingular has decided it prefers you spend your rebate than save it, so now they’re going to make you.

Bank of America Lies and Lies and Lies

There’s few things more annoying than losing one’s wallet, but Matt discovered one of them.