debit cards

Blog Gets Some Stupid Capcom Credit Card Fees Removed

Blog Gets Some Stupid Capcom Credit Card Fees Removed

It turns out that Chun-Li, of Street Fighter fame, does not want to charge you so many onerous fees on your Capcom credit card that attack over and over on your neck like that stupid bitch, Blanka. Just some of them.

Greyhound Accidentally Charges $1,000 For A $70 Bus Ticket

Greyhound Accidentally Charges $1,000 For A $70 Bus Ticket

Greyhound tickets from Raleigh to Asheville cost $67.50, unless you’re Meg Stivison. Then they cost over $1,000. Greyhound repeatedly charged Stivison’s debit card while insisting that she didn’t know the address on her bank statement. Meg ended up driving down to the bus terminal to buy a ticket, but that was just the start of her nightmarish journey…

Target Employee Incompetence Freezes Nearly $800 Of Customer's Money

Target Employee Incompetence Freezes Nearly $800 Of Customer's Money

Erica, who writes Philadelphia Weekly’s Style blog, went to Target this past Saturday to purchase some new tank tops. She and her boyfriend filled their cart with a lot of other stuff too—”Ready to stimulate the economy?” she joked to him on their way to the register—and they agreed to split the cost equally. Now when I worked retail, that was an infrequent but not impossible task. When you ask a Target cashier to do that, get ready to have your debit card debited twice for the full amount of the bill, and then told two days later that the voided transactions will take 72 hours to clear.

Visa And Capcom Announce Street Fighter Hyper Fee Edition Card

Visa And Capcom Announce Street Fighter Hyper Fee Edition Card

Video game maker Capcom has partnered with Visa to offer a pre-paid debit card with so many fees that it will shrink your wallet from an E. Honda to a Dhalsim. The hurricane kick of fees, inside.

PayPal Charges $81,400,836,908 For $26 Tank Of Gas

PayPal Charges $81,400,836,908 For $26 Tank Of Gas

Juan Zamora fed his 1994 Chevy Camaro $26 worth of gas, a transaction for which PayPal charged his debit card $81,400,836,908. Unsurprisingly, PayPal saw nothing wrong with the charge and demanded that Juan prove that he didn’t actually buy $81.4 billion worth of gas.

Laid Off? Get Ready To Pay Bank Fees On Your "Unemployment Debit Card"

Laid Off? Get Ready To Pay Bank Fees On Your "Unemployment Debit Card"

The Associate Press says that 30 states have cut deals with bailed out banks like JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Bank of America to distribute unemployment benefits on debit cards instead of paper checks. The catch? All of these programs have fees — and in some states the cards are mandatory.

Student Loan Refund Debit Cards Laden With Hidden Fees

Student Loan Refund Debit Cards Laden With Hidden Fees

A City College of Chicago program that gives student-loan refunds the form of pre-paid debt cards is drawing heat due to its bevy of hidden fees.

Claim Your Share ($78) Of The Bank Of America Overdraft Settlement

Claim Your Share ($78) Of The Bank Of America Overdraft Settlement

Bank of America has settled a class action lawsuit over its dirty overdraft tricks—things like approving transactions that generate overdraft fees, for example, or clearing transactions in high-to-low order to increase the number of overdrafts. If you’re a former customer of BoA, Fleet, LaSalle Bank or United Trust Company, you can claim your part of the settlement fund.


Macy’s now admits that it was an in-house software glitch that caused them to charge in-store debit card users twice on the Saturday before Christmas. [StorefrontBacktalk] (Thanks to Evan!)

Make Your Driver's License A Debit Card And Save 3 Cents Per Gallon Of Gas

Make Your Driver's License A Debit Card And Save 3 Cents Per Gallon Of Gas

If you live in or around Austin, Texas, you can save 3 cents or more per gallon by turning your driver’s license into a debit card.

Breaking Out In Song Is Now An Acceptable Way To Authorize Visa Purchases

Breaking Out In Song Is Now An Acceptable Way To Authorize Visa Purchases

Visa has revealed a darling new feature that will let consumers authorize debit transactions via song. It’s all part of Visa’s revised but always-exciting operating regulation 6.2.A.7.b, which now lets you “choose to sing to authorize a debit transaction.” Don’t worry if the merchant gives you an awkward look, they’re just sheepish about their cruddy singing skills. Sing louder to encourage them to join in the transaction-approving fun! (Thanks to Barbara!)


If you used your debit card at Macy’s on the Saturday before Christmas, you might have been charged twice.

Kiss Courtesy Overdraft Fees Goodbye With WaMu Debit-Only Card?

Kiss Courtesy Overdraft Fees Goodbye With WaMu Debit-Only Card?

Whoever came up with the name “courtesy overdraft fee” is one smart cookie. They figured out a way to let you do something you don’t want to do, charge you a fee, and make it sound like they’re doing you a favor. WaMu is one of the few banks that let you…

Blizzard "Can't" Refund My Money For Downloads That Didn't Work

Blizzard "Can't" Refund My Money For Downloads That Didn't Work

Reader Zach is having some trouble with Blizzard and is wondering what he should do. He tried to download a copy of Diablo II from their digital store, but the download didn’t work. Blizzard’s customer service then tried to download it again — which also didn’t work. Finally, they told him to buy it at an actual store — which he did. Now he’s bought the game three times and would like some money back.

98,930 Affected In Forever 21 Data Breach

98,930 Affected In Forever 21 Data Breach

Forever21 announced Friday that the Secret Service told it criminals had jacked 98,930 credit and debit card numbers from its computers. Based on their forensic analysis, your digits could be in the hands of unsavory individuals if you shopped there on…

BoA's "Keep The Change" Program: Worth It?

BoA's "Keep The Change" Program: Worth It?

What do you think of Bank of America’s “Keep The Change” program? How it works is every purchase you make with your BoA debit card you make gets rounded up to the next dollar. The difference between that and the actual price gets moved from your checking to your savings account. The idea is to help people save. Good idea, but there’s some potential downsides I can see:

Don't Let Credit Blocks Eat Up Your Available Balance

Don't Let Credit Blocks Eat Up Your Available Balance

Hotels and rental agencies like to carve out the full cost of their services on your credit or debit card before you pay in full. This credit blocking can catch anyone who sticks near their minimum or maximum balance off guard when they try to use their card. Inside, learn how to keep retailers from unexpectedly clogging your credit and debit cards with unwanted blocks.

WaMu's Inability To Mail Letters Costs Man $3,400

WaMu's Inability To Mail Letters Costs Man $3,400

Wamu’s fraud department has a problem sending letters. Just like another reader, Kristin, we posted about, Rob is having trouble disputing fraudulent charges on his account. He followed their every instruction, except to respond to the second letter WaMu sent out. How could Rob do such a foolish thing? Because it never showed up in his mailbox, a point, WaMu seems to think, is owing to, not their incompetence, but Rob’s general lassitude and weakness of character. Or something like that. Here’s Rob’s story…