The news in Sears Holdings’ report to investors isn’t as bad as it could be, but it’s devastating if you’re one of the employees or customers of the 28 Kmart stores that are part of a new round of closures that the company announced today. [More]
death spiral

Sears Could Stay Afloat… If It Had A Few Dozen More Tool Brands To Sell Off
Given all the doom and gloom headlines about Sears Holdings Corporation, you might be surprised to hear that the company turned a profit last quarter. Until you realize that the only reason Sears didn’t lose money is because it sold its once-beloved Craftsman tool brand to Stanley Black & Decker. [More]

Sears Closing 50 Auto Centers, 92 Kmart Pharmacies
Like a sinking ship that keeps jettisoning cargo in the hope of staying afloat, Sears Holdings will soon be ridding itself of 50 Sears Auto Centers and 92 Kmart Pharmacies. [More]

Aetna Quitting Health Insurance Exchanges In 11 States
The basic principle behind the Affordable Care Act was that by requiring all Americans to have health insurance, people would pay for insurance even when they weren’t sick, making the risk pool bigger and letting insurers cover more services and people who are already sick. Insurance companies say that it isn’t working out that way, though. Insurance giant Aetna announced that it will leave individual insurance exchanges in 11 out of the 15 states where it does business. [More]