Could Equifax have suffered a second data breach following the massive hack exposing the personal information of more than 145.5 million consumers? It’s possible, according to a security researcher who claims to have found a second, separate security vulnerability within the company. [More]
data breach

Pizza Hut Alerts Customers Of Possible Theft Of Credit Card & Other Info
Tens of thousands of Pizza Hut customers received something unexpected this weekend. No, not a pizza, but notice that their credit card information may have been impacted during a security breach at the pizza company… two weeks ago. [More]

Discover Freaks Out Customers With Email About “Recent Data Breach”
Imagine that you open up your email and find a message from your credit card company with the attention-getting subject line, “Important: What you can do now about the recent data breach.” Would you think that Discover had had a customer data breach? You wouldn’t be alone. [More]

Verizon Now Says That All Yahoo Accounts Were Probably Compromised By Massive Hack
Last year, Yahoo revealed that some 1.5 billion accounts — representing about 1 billion users — had been compromised by a data breach going back years. Now that Yahoo’s new parent company Verizon has had a chance to investigate it turns out that the number of accounts compromised by the hack was… well, every single one of them. [More]

Accounting Giant Deloitte Hit By Data Breach
Following on the heels the massive theft of some 143 million consumers’ information from Equifax, one of the world’s largest accounting firms has confirmed that is the victim of cyber hack. [More]

Is Experian Letting Anyone Access Your Credit Freeze PIN?
UPDATE: Experian tells Consumerist that its authentication processes go farther than previously identified steps. The company regularly reviews its security practices and adjusts as needed.
Placing a credit freeze on your accounts following a hack or issue with identity theft is only effective if the credit reporting agency you’re working with doesn’t give ne’er-do-wells the ability to unfreeze the accounts by providing the same information that any good ID thief already knows about you. This is a lesson some victims of Equifax’s recent data breach are learning after freezing their accounts with fellow credit reporting agency Experian. [More]

Equifax Says Site Vulnerability Behind Massive Breach; FTC Confirms Investigation
It’s been a week since credit reporting agency Equifax admitted it had lost sensitive personal data for 143 million American consumers — one of the worst data breaches yet. Now, the company says it knows how the intruders got in… and it’s through a bug that was first identified six months ago. [More]

Did TransUnion Increase Cost Of Credit Monitoring In Wake Of Equifax Breach?
With more than 143 million consumers’ personal information now circulating on the dark web thanks to the massive Equifax data breach, there’s no doubt many of these victims are turning to the other two major credit bureaus — TransUnion and Experian — for credit freezes and monitoring services. But is one of these agencies cashing in on the Equifax hack by raising the price for its services? [More]

It’s Not Just The U.S. — Equifax Security Issues Causing Headaches Around The World
We already know that more than 143 million Americans’ personal identify information was compromised as part of Equinox’s two-month-long data breach. If you thought that was bad enough, it gets worse: The credit reporting agency’s lax data security may have affected tens of millions more consumers across the world. [More]

Don’t Take Equifax Up On Its Credit Monitoring Offer
As anyone able to tear themselves away from hurricane bulletins last week knows, credit reporting bureau Equifax shared the news that the personal information of 143 million Americans was compromised earlier this year. Yet while plenty of companies, including Equifax itself, are happy to give or sell you credit monitoring services after such a massive breach, that doesn’t mean you should take them up on it. [More]

Here’s What You Need To Know About Hard Rock, Loews Hotels Hack Attacks
If you’ve stayed at a Hard Rock Hotel & Casino or Loews Hotel you’ll want to keep an eye on your financial statements after the two lodging companies revealed they’re the latest victims of a hack attack. [More]

Do You Use OneLogin? Change Your Password Now
If you use OneLogin to keep all your, well, login information straight, it’s time to change your password, as the password manager’s U.S. data centers are at the center of the latest hack attack. [More]

Kmart Victim Of Second Hack Attack In Three Years
Even with fewer stores and sales floors full of boxes, Kmart is still an attractive target for ne’er-do-wells: The retailer has found itself on the receiving end of another hack attack, just three years after its last security breach. [More]

Chipotle Confirms Data Breach Hit “Most” Restaurant Locations
Chipotle recently made a vague disclosure to investors that its card-payment system had likely been breached by cybercriminals. Now the burrito chain is confirming that this attack affected most Chipotle stores — including its Pizzeria Locale restaurants — for nearly a month. [More]

Home Depot Will Pay $25 Million To Banks, Credit Unions Over 2014 Data Breach
Home Depot’s legal battles over the massive 2014 data breach that saw millions of customers’ card accounts compromised may finally be nearing an end, with news that the home repair retailer has reached a deal that will pay $25 million to banks and credit unions who had to help mop up Home Depot’s mess. [More]