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Opposite Of EECB Gets Delayed Lenovo Laptop Order Expedited, Plus $5000 Loaner

Opposite Of EECB Gets Delayed Lenovo Laptop Order Expedited, Plus $5000 Loaner

When the Lenovo laptop Rick ordered for his college-bound daughter was super-duper delayed in arriving and he hadn’t heard anything from the company, he did the opposite of an EECB (executive email carpet bomb). Instead of blasting his complaint to every single executive he could find, he wrote a well-crafted letter laser-targeted at a single individual, the SVP of operations. The result? An email from the Chief of Staff in the CEO’s office. His order was expedited, and, in the meantime, they got a $5000 “Reserve Edition” leather-wrapped laptop as a loaner. Here’s his letter that got him the fix: