When using the whirling blades of a food processor to prepare a meal, you assume that the common kitchen appliance is not going to put shards of its steel blades in your food, causing you pain and injury. Yet Cuisinart has recalled 8.3 million food processors in the United States and Canada that pose a risk of exactly that kind of problem. [More]

Cuisinart Needs Entire Dead Coffeemaker Back To Issue Warranty Replacement
Bob’s coffee maker went rogue. It’s one of those single-serve models, and decided to empty its whole reservoir onto the counter and floor when no one was around. No one really appreciated its attempt at pitching in to clean up the place, especially since it wouldn’t turn back on and make coffee afterwards. Cuisinart’s solution? Pack up the coffeemaker and ship it back to New Jersey. That’s a pricey proposition to send it using some kind of secure method: Bob lives in Alaska. [More]

Only The CEO At Cuisinart Has The Power To Send You A Shipping Label
Jennifer bought the Cuisinart coffeemaker at right about a month ago. It lists for $145.00, and you can get it from Amazon for, as of this writing, $75.45. Unfortunately for Jennifer, her appliance just plain stopped working, and nothing she did at home would fix it. Cuisinart agreed to send her a new one, and even waived the shipping fee, but they want her old coffeemaker back. This wouldn’t be a problem, but the cost to ship the large and heavy machine is $47.62. That amount would put Jennifer more than halfway to just buying a new machine. [More]

Cuisinart Decides Maine's Consumer Protection Laws Don't Apply
Cuisinart doesn’t just ignore consumer protection laws in California–reader Eatswell reports that Cuisinart has decided that the strong implied warranty laws in Maine don’t actually applied to them. Stuck with a non-working coffeemaker, Eatswell wants to fight back. [More]

Cuisinart Customer Service Doesn't Bother To Read Own Warranty
After receiving a ten-piece cookware set with one pan damaged right out of the box, Drew’s girlfriend knew that she wanted to replace it. That’s what warranties are for! He tells Consumerist that when they tried to send that pan back to Cuisinart for replacement (instead of shipping the entire set back to Amazon, which seemed wasteful) customer service staff insisted that while the product’s warranty might say something, that doesn’t actually make it true. [More]
Morning Deals Round Up
• We continue to be baffled by Amazon’s ridiculously low prices on cookware recently, like this Cuisinart Chef’s Classic Stainless 6-Quart Sauce Pot with Lid for just $14. They must have over-purchased for the holidays. [via Slickdeals] Update: Reader Kim L. confirmed that the price is showing as $40 for her. It still shows $14 for us (although they are out of stock). A mystery!
Morning Deals Round Up
• Oh. Snap. $10 off $10 coupon up in the Fashion Bug. Get your brushed cotton medallion camisole on. Code: 776131401 Expired.