
Every Verizon Customer Service Number Ever

Every Verizon Customer Service Number Ever

Want to know exactly how to reach the appropriate customer service tech at Verizon? Just look them up on this handy list of every number they have.

Customer Service as an Interface to Be Streamlined

It’s precious when web nerds use computer analogies to describe something that should probably seem obvious to those who have experienced the touch of real, human flesh, but Khoi Vinh has a good point: “Customer service lines are user interfaces, too.” On the whole, he’s pretty much just complaining about his phone company—which hey, we’re into it—but he’s clearly giving some thought to the inherent flaws in the customer service infrastructure, as well.

Big Idea: Don’t Wait on Hold, Collect $20

Seth Godin proposes customers get a reward for using the phone to call companies, as an incentive to leave their information and get a callback:

“Hi, you’ve reached us when we’re too busy. Quick, write down this code: 123×23. Now, give us your phone number. When we call back (within an hour, we promise), give us the code and we’ll pay you $20 on the spot for the hassle in getting this order processed.”

Call center justice is one of our most petted peeves, so for us this idea resonates. Sadly, since most customer interaction is measured on a per-transaction basis by the management, we doubt they would be willing to fork over any rewards of substance just so they can sell to you.

Consumerist’s CSR Stress Test: AOL Dial-Up Service

Consumerist’s CSR Stress Test: AOL Dial-Up Service

AOL’s dial-up customer service department has a reputation for being slow to answer and quick to anger. The Consumerist put one AOL customer service rep, selected at random, to the Stress Test. His name was Aaron.

IVR Cheat Sheet: Get a Human On the Line

As we prepare to enter the most wonderful time of the year—the time after the holidays are over—The Consumerist is working to help prepare you for the inevitable calls to customer service departments. Whether it’s to return a product, get some directions, or just to find a sympathetic voice to leave on hold for ten minutes at a time *, you’re going to have to navigate the Interactive Voice Response systems that serve as gatekeepers to real, bored human employees.

FEMA Call Center Tension

Customer service centers are sort of an obsession for The Consumerist. When executing effectively, they can make a bad consumer experience go away in the fellest of swoops. When they are staffed by underpaid, overworked employees who can barely muster a smile in their voice, let alone any actual competence, they make a bad experience go Category 5.