A centerpiece of the 2005 bankruptcy law was to force more debtors into chapter 13. The credit industry claimed many debtors were abusing the process by filing chapter 7 when they could at least make a partial repayment to creditors in chapter 13. So far, the law has not had much effect, and the trend suggests it will not be too long before the chapter 13 rate is precisely what it was before the 2005 law passed.
credit slips

Credit Card Expert Disputes Erroneous Charge, Frustration Ensues
Georgetown law professor and Credit Slips blogger Adam Levitin is having trouble disputing an erroneous $176.96 charge on his Citibank Amex card from PACER, the federal court’s online docket system, which he accesses for free. The professor is a consumer credit expert and should have no problem understanding and fixing the error, right? Fat chance.