credit scores

Piggybacking On A Stranger's Good Credit To Raise Your FICO Score?

Piggybacking On A Stranger's Good Credit To Raise Your FICO Score?

Brian Kinney, 44, a retired Army officer in Glendale, Calif., pulls in more than $2,500 a month by lending out 19 credit card spots on two old Citibank cards with strong payment histories. Kinney, whose FICO score is above 800 on the scale of 300 to 850,

$2,500 a month? What? It’s a good deal for the “renters” too. Just ask this guy:

Estruch paid $1,800 in December for three credit card spots, and by January, his FICO score jumped from 550 to 715. In mid-March, he closed on his four-bedroom beige stucco house after obtaining a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage from a unit of American Home Mortgage Investment Corp. It carried a 7.5 percent interest rate and required no down payment.

Guess what he does for a living? He’s a mortgage broker. Ha! Of course too much of this behavior could cause creditors to take action and change the effect that authorized user accounts have on FICO scores, essentially making them useless to those for whom they were designed. —MEGHANN MARCO

5,300 Electric Orange Checking Account Holders Mistakenly Told: "Based On Your Credit Score, We Have Decided To Close Your Account"

5,300 Electric Orange Checking Account Holders Mistakenly Told: "Based On Your Credit Score, We Have Decided To Close Your Account"

Nick was shocked to receive an email from ING telling him that his Electric Orange checking account would be closed because of his credit score. Nick was not the only one; similar letters were sent to 5,300 account holders.

Credit Reports: How Long Different Items Stay

Credit Reports: How Long Different Items Stay

Ask Max has a detailed list of how long different types of credit items stay on your report.

Reach TransUnion Executive Customer Service

Reach TransUnion Executive Customer Service

If you haven’t been able to solve your TransUnion credit report problems through normal channels, you can escalate your issue to their executive customer service team. Here’s the info.

Correction: Negative Items Are Supposed To Fall Off Credit Reports After 7 Years, No Matter What

Correction: Negative Items Are Supposed To Fall Off Credit Reports After 7 Years, No Matter What

Yesterday we erroneously reported that while chargeoffs are supposed to disappear from your report after seven years, you can get that clock reset by making payments or otherwise communicating with the creditor.

Negative Items Fall Off Credit Report After Seven Year Itch, As Long As You Don't Scratch 'Em Creditors Don't Fraudulently "Reage" Them

Negative Items Fall Off Credit Report After Seven Year Itch, As Long As You Don't Scratch 'Em Creditors Don't Fraudulently "Reage" Them

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), bad items fall off your credit report after seven years, but did you know that if you contact the creditor in any way during that time you they can use that to illegally reset the clock?

Reach Equifax Executive Customer Service

Reach Equifax Executive Customer Service

If you haven’t been able to solve your Equifax credit report problems through normal channels, you can escalate your issue to their executive customer service team. Here’s the info:

Why Equifax Doesn't Seem To Understand Your Letters

Why Equifax Doesn't Seem To Understand Your Letters

Mailing back and forth with Equifax can be like talking to a brick wall, except instead of bricks, the wall is made out of buttocks, and they’re farting all over your credit report.

Credit Report And Score Savvy Roundup

Credit Report And Score Savvy Roundup

“…stratagems for seeing your FICO score without subscribing to costly services.”

Equifax Refuses To Fix Credit Report, Despite Overwhelming Evidence

Equifax Refuses To Fix Credit Report, Despite Overwhelming Evidence

Equifax continues to screw up Philip’s credit rating by reporting a late payment on a mortgage that was satisfied in full over a year ago.

Fix Your Credit Score Fast, For A Price

Fix Your Credit Score Fast, For A Price

If it were Monopoly, the card would say, “Bank Error Not In Your Favor.”

Intro to Credit Scores And How They Secretly Control You

The info doesn’t really start until 2:00. Ignore the local morning news malarkey. If you find their hijinks hard to stomach, try this two minute bit by Bob Walters of Quicken Loans.