credit reports

Happy Ending: Always Look A Gift Check In The Mouth

Happy Ending: Always Look A Gift Check In The Mouth

There’s a happy ending to our story, “Always Look A Gift Check In The Mouth” about the guy who opened up a new bank account just to deposit a check he thought might be fraudulent and indeed, turned out to be. Fred writes:

Staying Out Of The Red Is The New Black

Staying Out Of The Red Is The New Black

All of a sudden, everyone is interested in how their banks, credit cards, credit scores, credit reports, mortgages, and money actually work. Staying out of the red is the new black. Have you found yourself talking more about money matters and strategies with friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers?

Judge Orders Credit Reporting Bureaus To Strike Forgiven Debts From Records

Judge Orders Credit Reporting Bureaus To Strike Forgiven Debts From Records

The three big credit reporting agencies—Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax—have been inaccurately reporting debts on millions of consumers’ credit reports even after the debts have been forgiven during bankruptcy filings. Once forgiven, the debts are supposed to be removed from credit reports, but the agencies are continuing to report them as active. They have until October 1st to comply with Judge David O. Carter’s order to “revamp their systems,” writes Jane J. Kim on the Wall Street Journal’s finance blog. Now if you’re in debt trouble, you can look forward (?) to having either unpaid debts on your credit report, or a bankruptcy filing, but hopefully no longer both at the same time.

Equifax Double-Reports Student Loan, Still Hasn't Corrected It 12 Attempts Later

Equifax Double-Reports Student Loan, Still Hasn't Corrected It 12 Attempts Later

So what exactly is the problem? After 12 online (and phone) disputes to Equifax and 14 calls (and faxes) to the Direct Loan Servicing Center, each party seems to blame the other.

One Day Left To Register For TransUnion Class Action Lawsuit

One Day Left To Register For TransUnion Class Action Lawsuit

September 24, tomorrow, is the last day to register for the class action against TransUnion for selling consumer’s private data to businesses without permission. If you held a credit card between January 1, 1987 to May 28, 2008, you’re eligible to receive benefits. You can choose from one of three options:

Always Look A Gift Check In The Mouth

Always Look A Gift Check In The Mouth

My brother who is a junior at college sent out a bunch of applications for college grants and other sources of funding to pay for his education. Late this summer he received a check in the mail sent to him from one of the organizations that he sent an application to. The check wasn’t huge, but the $3500 would come in handy, and certainly would have been a huge help in paying for his books, and housing. When the check actually came in the mail it was just a check, nothing else, no letter of congratulations, explanation or anything else telling him why he had received the money…

Capital One Mails Fraud Claim To The Person Committing Fraud

Capital One Mails Fraud Claim To The Person Committing Fraud

“Lisa” writes, “I recently found out that I was a victim of identity theft.” What shocked her, and us as well, is that after Capital One notified her that they’d approved the card with another address, they followed up by sending their fraud claim to the criminal’s address instead of Lisa’s.

Steve Jackson Disses Lameo Free Credit Report Monitoring Service

Steve Jackson Disses Lameo Free Credit Report Monitoring Service

Steve Jackson, a well-known game designer, got an offer for free credit report monitoring from his bank. When he called up the monitoring company, Intersections Inc, the customer service rep rattled off a boilerplate agreement and asked for his assent. When he asked if they would send him a copy, she said they don’t send out copies. When he asked then how he would have a record of what they agreed to, she got huffy and said, “This is free. You don’t need to worry about it.”

98,930 Affected In Forever 21 Data Breach

98,930 Affected In Forever 21 Data Breach

Forever21 announced Friday that the Secret Service told it criminals had jacked 98,930 credit and debit card numbers from its computers. Based on their forensic analysis, your digits could be in the hands of unsavory individuals if you shopped there on…


Just a reminder: you can get free credit reporting services for at least six months by participating in a class action settlement against TransUnion. Carey posted details about it back in June; the deadline to participate is September 24th. (Thanks to Michael!)

Ex-Countrywide Employee Sells Your Data, They Offer Credit Monitoring Service, Hang Up When You Ask For It

Ex-Countrywide Employee Sells Your Data, They Offer Credit Monitoring Service, Hang Up When You Ask For It

Re: Countrywide Sends Fraud Alert Letters: ‘Your Info May Have Been Sold,” Reader Esqdork writes, “Yesterday, I phoned Countrywide to get them to extend the credit monitoring service [that they offered in their apology letter] to my co-borrower and was promptly hung up on.” The only surprise here is that they even picked up in the first place.

Countrywide Sends Fraud Alert Letters: 'Your Info May Have Been Sold'

Countrywide Sends Fraud Alert Letters: 'Your Info May Have Been Sold'

I received a letter from Countrywide today that says:

Really, Credit Bureaus, I'm Not Dead

Really, Credit Bureaus, I'm Not Dead

I have been battling with a silly preconception the federal government has concerning my status as a deceased person, that causes them to routinely shut down credit cards that I am using, and stresses my ability to build credit. (All this despite being actively enlisted in the US Navy)… Will Cost You $30 Per Month Will Cost You $30 Per Month

The rip-off site “” has a new competitor, and it’s running fear-mongering spots on the “we’ll air any commercial” cable nets (by which we mean G4). warns you that your credit score can keep you from getting a job! But they’ll give you you “free” scores from the big three credit reporting agencies if you sign up for their $30 per month membership plan. Remember, the only “free” credit report website you should ever use is For free credit scores, on the other hand, check out Ben’s post. Makes Free Credit Score More Like FICO's Makes Free Credit Score More Like FICO's

The site we told you about in our roundup of “5 No BS Ways To Get A Credit Score For Free” has changed its calibration system so the free, advertising-supported, credit score it gives you is now on the 300-850 range, just like your FICO score. It’s still not your FICO score, but it does make the approximation, based on TransUnion data, more relevant. If you’re do some major money moves, like getting a mortgage, you would still want to pay for the FICO score for total accuracy, but if you just want a general sense of how you’re doing, is a great way to do it for free.

I Can't Get A Loan, Sears Says I'm Dead

I Can't Get A Loan, Sears Says I'm Dead

Claudia’s father couldn’t get a loan because Sears reported to the credit bureaus that he was dead. In fact, it was her mother who had died. After complaints, Sears credit cards, run by Citibank said they fixed the problem. Then Claudia’s dad tried to get a loan but couldn’t. His credit score was zero.

Don't Let Your Credit Card Rate Get Spiked

Don't Let Your Credit Card Rate Get Spiked

Credit card companies are raising interest rates and canceling cards left and right. Bankrate has seven ways to avoid getting caught up in the “risk repricing” spree. It all comes down to keeping everything looking normal.

"An 'Illegal ETF' Destroyed My Credit. Can I Go To Small Claims Court?"

"An 'Illegal ETF' Destroyed My Credit. Can I Go To Small Claims Court?"

“Jurgis” writes,