credit cards

MEGA UPDATE: Requiring Minimum Credit Card Purchases is a Violation

MEGA UPDATE: Requiring Minimum Credit Card Purchases is a Violation

Erik went ahead and consolidated the merchant policies of Discover, Mastercard and Visa, which leads to a startling conclusion.

UPDATE: Requiring Minimum Credit Card Purchases is a Violation

UPDATE: Requiring Minimum Credit Card Purchases is a Violation

We’re scratching our heads and going in circles and starting to get dizzy.

Requiring Minimum Credit Card Purchases is a Violation

Requiring Minimum Credit Card Purchases is a Violation

Having to purchase a minimum amount at stores might not just be annoying, the merchant could also be in breach of contract with the credit card companies.

Maxed Out Movie Details America’s Pit of Debt

Maxed Out Movie Details America’s Pit of Debt

    “…back in the ’60s and ’70s … a lot of bankers objected to credit cards and said they were not going to give consumers the noose from which to hang themselves–that was immoral, that was unethical … They understood that people would abuse credit if given too much of it, and the banker had to fill this role of regulator. That philosophy doesn’t exist any more.”

Apple’s Customer Service Needs Shining

Apple’s Customer Service Needs Shining

Dan got a worm when he tried to fix an online transaction with Apple.

Credit Cards Are Vampires

Credit Cards Are Vampires

Blind Item: Which credit card company was seen feasting upon the necks of foolish debtors while holding a Jesus mask in front of its face?

A Ripped-Up Credit Card App Still Works

A Ripped-Up Credit Card App Still Works

Rob Cockerham at tells us how we should all get paper shredders.

Massive Citibank Fraud Alert: UPDATE

Massive Citibank Fraud Alert: UPDATE

Citibank may bee trying to keep this huge scandal so under wraps that they haven’t even disclosed it internally, leaving Citibank workers just as clueless as to why many customers can’t access their accounts in Canada, the UK and Russia. Is there a systemic security breach?

Verizon Sells Bill Pay Histories To Creditors

Verizon Sells Bill Pay Histories To Creditors

New incentive to pay your phone bill on time, Verizon will now provide your bill payment histories to credit report agencies. The practice is becoming common among companies that issue monthly bills.

Would the World End if All Credits Cards Got Paid Off?

Would the World End if All Credits Cards Got Paid Off?

What if we sent in the full remaining balance on all our credit cards? Every single person in America, paid… off… alllllllll their credit card debt. Our Amex’s, Discovers, Visas, Mastercards. All of them.

HOWTO: Stop the Direct Marketers

HOWTO: Stop the Direct Marketers

Scott writes,

Disentangling Automatic Payments Laborious, Some Discover

Automated payments may be handy but cancelling them can be like eradicating a persistent tapeworm, some consumers find.

Another Day, Another Quarter-Million Credit Card Numbers Made Public

Both the Boston Globe and the Worcester Telegram & Gazette distributed printed materials with last Sunday’s paper that included the credit and debit card numbers of nearly a quarter-million subscribers. Officials with the company have a hot line, (888) 665-2644, to which customers may call and begin to slowly berate the company for treating their personal information with disregard.