UPDATE Sept. 21: After we published Kim’s story, Oberto reached out to her to apologize for the “negative experience,” and confirmed that the object in question is, in fact, an employee ID badge. Read the entire update here. [More]
contaminated food

Shoppers Say Their Bagged Spinach Came With A Free Live Scorpion
It’s a bad week for bagged salads, unless you are hoping to find animals mixed in with your greens. First, there was the dead bat salad, and now we have a customer claiming they found a live scorpion in their bag o’ spinach. [More]

Pilgrim’s Pride Expands Recall Of Contaminated Chicken Products
If you’ve already checked the list of products affected by a recent Pilgrim’s Pride recall involving chicken items possibly contaminated with bits of plastic, metal, wood, and rubber, you might want to check it again. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety & Inspection service has expanded the nearly five million-pound recall list to include additional products. Check the full list here. [More]

FDA Inspection Reveals Chinese Restaurant Supplier Was Rat-Infested Nightmare
There are fascinating horrors hiding in letters from the Food and Drug Administration to the food, drug, and cosmetic companies that it regulates. One letter that we wish we could un-read is directed to New Yung Wah Trading Company, a Brooklyn-based company that supplies Chinese restaurants all over the East Coast. The results of multiple inspections of their warehouse near Pittsburgh were frightening to potential diners…at least, those of us who prefer our food to have as little rat urine as possible. [More]

ConAgra May Face Federal Misdemeanor Charges For 2007 Tainted Peanut Butter Case
Do you remember what you ate eight years ago? The government does. Maybe. People who filed recall claims for Peter Pan or Great Value (Walmart) peanut butters that were recalled in 2007 received a letter this week notifying them that they were victims of a crime. A crime? Yes, ConAgra Foods may face misdemeanor charges for its role in a salmonella outbreak that made hundreds of people ill. [More]

U.S. Marshals Raid Rat-Infested PETCO Distribution Center
The FDA sent U.S. Marshals to seize “various animal food products” stored at a PETCO distribution center in Joliet, Illinois yesterday, because the storage conditions had been deemed unsanitary twice in a row: