Call it the “silent prank caller.”
consumerist kit

Pay Up, Deadbeat
Back when we were being stalked by debt collectors, our only recourse to their insistent demands was ripping up their letters and living on the top floor of a three-story building accessible only by a locked steel door. It turns out that debtors actually have rights and collection agents, limits. Neat.

HOWTO: Get Internet On The Cheap
How does $500 extra a year sound? And it doesn’t even require stuffing envelopes.

Online Fraudster Interviewed
SmallWorldPodcast interviewed El Mariachi, a man who commits online fraud and identity theft. The interview reveals details about another scammer, Dillinger, who was involved with the ATM hacks of the ill-fabled “Russian Connection” scandal.

Snagging Prime Dates With Frequent Flyer Miles
Like a dog trying to kiss its own reflection in a pond, using frequent flyer to fly when and where you wants can leave you wet and unsatisfied.

Ten Things Your Supermarket Won’t Tell You
A little alarmist, but still fun, Get Rich Slowly has a great summary of the top ten tricks supermarkets like to play on you. Of particular interest are the claims that:
Circuit City Executive Customer Service Contacts
If you have a difficulty with Circuit City and can’t find resolution through the normal route, you may appreciate this list of contacts.

Beware Used Media Fleet Cars
As Jalopnik learned this weekend at Chrysler’s Proving Grounds, don’t buy a lemon that’s been sucked on by a reporter. As they romped and frolicked through Michigan backwoods, one thing was for certain, that the other journalists were grinding their cars into dust.

HOWTO: Get Your Phone Fixed Quick
If your phone is out of service or you need a line installed, the wait can be interminable. Not to mention the difficulty of calling the telephone company without a phone. What if there was an emergency?

HOWTO: Fix DSL Fast Like Ninja
A DSL call center manager emailed in some nifty tricks for getting at the top of the fix list. Many of them are quite sneaky. We like that. Thank you, sneaky Phil.

HOWTO: Win on A Claw Machine
I’m actually really good at those claw machines you find in movie theater lobbies and arcades. A life of twitch reflexes and joystick clutching has made me extremely beloved by small children: I’ll just walk into an arcade with a pocketful of jangling quarters when I’m depressed, start playing the claw machine, and give out the toys to the bratty kids who greedily surround me.

NBA Finals Caveat Emptor
Sports fans, beware! You may love this game, but someone out there will be more than happy to steal your lunch money for showing the love

Beat Credit Card Blocking
Lifehacker’s got a pointer to an FTC article for avoiding “credit card blocking” when booking trips, whereby a hotel will stake claim for the full cost of your stay, plus the incidentals it feels you may buy, prior to checking out of the hotel.

Be a Customer Service Ninja
Inspired to by Mike D’s Vonage story, Austin writes in a hot tip for all of looking to pole vault low-level CSR and reach the Valhalla of customer service.