The controversial sale of RadioShack’s intellectual property continues: an attorney who represents the chain’s network of franchisees and dealers says that the current high bidder is the most logical buyer for the name and intellectual property: the same affiliate of hedge fund Standard General that purchased fewer than half of RadioShack’s stores and is running them in partnership with mobile carrier Sprint. Update: The final bid was $26.2 million. [More]
consumer data

AT&T Asked RadioShack To Destroy Customer And Proprietary Information
The auction for the smoldering remains of RadioShack is happening right now at the offices of the company’s attorneys in New York City, and something caught our attention while we wait for news about the winning bidders and future of the Shack and its stores and employees. AT&T has filed an objection to the proceedings in court, asking RadioShack to destroy any sensitive information about customers and AT&T itself. [More]

HealthNet: Your Data May Have Been Stolen Several Months Ago
HealthNet has been sending letters out to current and former clients notifying them that it lost medical and financial data on 1.5 million customers in May. The News-Times of Danbury, Conn. reports HealthNet sat on the news until recently. [More]

HR 3997: Worst Bill Ever for Identity Theft?
HR 3997 might be a bill to watch if you’re concerned about your data getting sold to identity thieves by companies like ChoicePoint