Now that they’re either liquidated or being sold to TigerDirect, it’s getting pretty chillax around CompUSA land. Here are some pictures reader Jon snapped when he went to snag some computer deals. In the left you can see a CompUSA employee whiling away his last remaining hours by playing a first-person-shooter. In the right, you can see the manager of the store talking to his friends and buying tickets for rap concerts. Jon says he stood in the computer section for twenty minutes before anyone helped him. Jon isn’t mad, really, as he got some good deals, “but what an interesting way to close out the store,” he writes on his blog. What was that, something about not with a bang, but a whimper? Full size pics inside.
”Everything will be brand new.” – Gilbert Fiorentino, CEO of TigerDirect, on his company’s takeover of the remaining CompUSA stores. [Miami Herald]

TigerDirect Will Take Over 16 CompUSA Stores
TigerDirect has gone through with its plan to purchase CompUSA, including its website, inventory, and “16 of the best CompUSA retail stores,” according to an email sent by CEO Gilbert Fiorentino to TigerDirect employees. The tipster writes, “This also includes Tiger absorbing a fair amount of their stock, though most of what’s in the stores IS going to get cleared out.”

CompUSA Sign Maker: Funny Or Just Dumb?
Tyson from New Hampshire writes,
On my way to pick up a replacement hard drive I swung into CompUSA first to see if I could get a lucky deal (that wasn’t marked up right before going on sale) from their going out of business sale…

CompUSA Refuses To Accept Cash
A CompUSA cashier summoned her manager and a security guard when Bud tried to pay for his purchases with cash. The promise of 40% discounts drew Bud to the Boisie, Idaho store, but he settled for a 10% discount on an iMac and several accessories.
I start counting out hundred dollar bills and the clerk goes nuts! “Sir, we don’t accept cash for this kind of purchase! You must use a credit card!” she says at the top of her lungs. (I see her also hit a button on the phone at the same time.)
TigerDirect announced it will buy all that’s left of CompUSA. Finally, the rumors have come true. [ArsTechnica]

Photos: CompUSA Raises Prices For Liquidation Sale
We’ve been hearing over and over again that there’s something shady afoot at the CompUSA liquidation sale. People from all over the country have been telling us that CompUSA is raising prices before knocking 15% off, resulting in not-so-hot discounts.

CompUSA Liquidation Scam: Double The Price, Then Knock Off 15%
For giggles, I stopped into our local CompUSA (Mount Laurel, NJ) to see what amazing deals could be had.
CompUSA has publicly announced their consumer hotline for repair questions: 1-877-520-8324. (It’s the same as the number in the letters they’re mailing out to customers.) You can also visit a new website, [Dallas Business Journal]

CompUSA's Pink Slip Is As Stingy As Their Liquidation Discounts
Engadget posted the layoff letter that CompUSA sent out to the people who will be losing their jobs. As you can see, it’s very warm and appreciative of their hard work.

Leaks: CompUSA's Going-Out-Of Business Discount List
We’ve got the CompUSA internal discount list for their going out of business liquidation sale. The discounts are mainly 10% and 20%, with some 5% and 30% in there. Audio hardware, mounting brackets and the like, is 30% off. Just because they’re imploding doesn’t mean they don’t have some pride, as least for now. They’re entitled “opening discounts,” so perhaps will keep dropping week by week until all the stock is gone. Looks like for now they’re using the same close-out strategy as when they closed down most of their stores before: offer crappy deals and advertise the heck out of it.
To celebrate CompUSA’s demise, this BestBuy store made a music video to the beat of DJ Khaled’s “We Takin’ Over.” A bad music video. [YouTube]

Exclusive: CompUSA's Tentative Liquidation Schedule
A CompUSA repair tech has leaked to The Consumerist what he says is their schedule for the liquidations happening now until they close everything down after the holiday season. This is in no way set in stone, he says, but it looks like this is how it’s going to go down starting this week. (He would also like everyone to know that no one his place steals porn from customers).

CompUSA Will Close All Stores After Holidays
Last Tuesday, based on industry-insider information provided “on background,” we told you that this could be coming, and here it is: CompUSA announced Friday it will close all its stores after the Christmas shopping season. So to all you doubters, we offer a rousing, “nyah, nyah.” Rumor of the impending shutdown was also given to The Boy Genius Report via a leaked internal Best Buy memo.
Rumor has it that CompUSA could be closing down for good immediately following the holidays. UPDATE: This has come true: CompUSA Will Close All Stores After Holidays

RUMOR: CompUSA To Close 50 More Stores In 6 Months
A CompUSA insider tells us there’s a rumor floating around that CompUSA may be closing another 50 stores within 6 months. Like before, Gordon Brothers Liquidators would handle the pureeing.
All The Computer Tech Needed To Do Was Reconnect A Power Cable. Cost? $59.99, $69.99, $119.99 and $275!
The results were varied and shocking: