Listen to these calls and you’ll understand why Dell has a long way to go with their customer service: because people are stupid and don’t work a voice tree like they’re supposed to. It doesn’t help that once this customer finally gets a person, in hardware, he transfers her to a tech support line with a busy signal.

AllState Insurance Doesn’t Include Agent Dennis Haysbert
It turns out that if you get in an accident, Dennis Haysbert doesn’t come right to your car and console you with his big man hands and a deep voice.
Samsung: Do Not Return Your Defective TV
This note was probably due to the fact that consumers often do not know how to properly hook up HDTVs, and return them thinking they are defective. In Shawn’s case, the TV really was defective. So did Samsung help him? Of course not.
United Wants To Make Good To Parents Bilked For $3000
Looks the blogger whose elderly, recovering-from-surgery parents got bilked for $3000 after United Airlines lost their airlines, is finally catching a break.

UPDATE: Consumer Takes Sleazy Prius Salesman To Court
Angela Weigold writes in what’s new with her case against a dirtbag Prius salesman. This was a guy who, after the deal went raw, left multiple harassing phone messages daily, called Angela a “whore” and put her phone number on online escort websites:
T-Mobile: Wanting to Buy Stuff From Us Is Fraud
Who knew that wanting to buy a whole bunch of crap from T-mobile was fraud? Reader Christine writes:
Sprint Refuses To Cancel Dead Brother’s Cellphone
Sprint refuses to cancel the cellphone service of a reader’s dead brother. The most they’ll “bend” for reader M is to “put the account on vacation,” at $5.95 a month.
Red Robin Spins Bullshit When Pressed To Reveal Nutritional Info
Red Robin doesn’t want you to know what you’re eating. The family restaurant has no nutritional information on its website, and when you ask for it, they tell you a whole bunch of PR nonsense.
BellSouth’s Site Tracks Your IP And Then They Telemarket You
Is a company allowed to call you up after you go to their website, even if you haven’t even given them your phone number?
U-Haul’s Reservation System is Useless
- I spoke with an incredibly helpful and polite female rep who helped me with my quote, which was in the neighborhood of $225 including unlimited miles at the time. I made careful notes while on the phone, referencing her name, my confirmation number, and all the other pertinent information for renting the truck.
Complain To Win: 7 Stages Of Escalation
Your expectations were not met. Now you want them to fix the product, redo the service, or give you a credit. Here’s seven general stages of complaint escalation to follow.
Macy’s Wants Your Social Security Number For A Gift Card Return
Reader George writes in because Macy’s asked his wife for her Social Security Number when she tried to return a pair of jeans she bought online with a gift card. No, she wasn’t trying to get cash back. Yes, she had all the documentation from
Pay Your Health Insurance Way Before It’s Due, A Cautionary Tale
Getting health insurance held up by bureaucratic red tape is one thing… but magnetic tape?

Cancel Sprint Account By Writing Intelligent Well-Crafted Emails to the CEO
Reader Jason contacted us to share tips on how one can successfully resolve customer service issues by writing intelligent well-crafted emails to Gary Forsee, the CEO of Sprint. And, indeed, Jason’s emails are a cut above the usual seething buckets of bile that come squirting into our inbox.