Subject: violation of my privacy.

Lycos Customer Service Manager's Picture Held Hostage Until He Restores Customer's Email And Apologizes

Lycos Deletes All Of Customer's Email, Tells 'Em To Suck It
This is Mike Jandreau, master and commander of all customer service at Lycos. When you don’t check into your email for 30 days, Lycos deletes 2 years worth of your personal email.
BBB Sluts For GM
The BBB is GM’s bitch, at least that’s what we gather from a post by David Berlind, Executive Editor at ZDNet.
Ritz Carlton Won't Honor $.01 Per Night Reservation
Mark’s sister found a room at the Ritz Carlton in London for just one penny per night on, only to have it snatched away.
UPDATE: Consumer Takes Sleazy Prius Salesman To Court
Angela Weigold writes in what’s new with her case against a dirtbag Prius salesman, James Gentile. This was a guy who, after the deal went raw, left multiple harassing phone messages daily, called Angela a “whore” and put her phone number on online escort websites.
UPDATE: Radio Shack Screams Nonsense On Phone With Rebate-Seeking Customer
Daniel writes in a happy ending, with an unexpected twist, to his Radio Shack rebate complaint we posted yesterday.
Radio Shack Screams Nonsense On Phone With Rebate-Seeking Customer
That’s the unprofessionalism Daniel experienced trying to find out when his rebate check from Radio Shack was supposed to arrive. Because of this, and the duplicity of Radio Shack in initially saying his rebate was denied, Daniel is submitting a complaint to the BBB, The NYC Consumer Affairs Bureau, the NYS AG office, and, of course, us.
Cingular Customer Hit With $31,000 in Roaming Charges From Nicaragua
“I told them this is impossible,” DeSofi said.

Reader Gets Chargeback For Golden Touch Transportation's Shyster Car Service
Thanks to the advice of The Consumerist and its readers, Shonda finally got a refund after Golden Touch Transportation car service ripped her off.
Southwest To Liver Patient It Nearly Let Die: Sorry, Here's A Refund For That Extra Ticket
UPDATE: Sprint Will Cancel Dead Brother’s Cellphone
A Sprint PR rep contacted us regarding our post, “Sprint Refuses To Cancel Dead Brother’s Cellphone” and it seems they want to help.
Stranded Airline Passengers Start A Blog; Campaign For “Passenger’s Bill of Rights”
- Now things started getting serious. The lady next to me announced she had Diabetes, and began to beg the stewardesses for something to eat. She was shaking uncontrollably, and her husband looked really concerned. Her meds were in her luggage. The stewardesses found an old crusty bagel, and a milk (which she spit out instantly as “spoiled!”).
Eventually the crew took it upon themselves to pull the plane over to an open gate. The airline later apologized and offered passengers a $500 voucher, which is less, we might add, than AirTran compensated the booted toddler’s family. —MEGHANN MARCO

Autozone: Free After Mail-In Rebate (Except Not Really, Just Kidding)
I asked whether I needed a rebate form, I was told no, and went home.
United Continues To Screw Blogger’s Parents Out Of $3000
It’s been a series of dips and valleys for Mahesh in his battle with United, and the latest is another disappointment.
Olshan Foundation Repair’s Warranty Not So Lifetime
Olshan Foundation Repair Company’s motto is “Fix it and Forget it.” In their Yellow Page ad these words emerge from Nolan Ryan’s mouth.
AllState Insurance Expedites Reader’s Claim
We don’t know whether it’s a coincidence or whether our post, “AllState Insurance Doesn’t Include Agent Dennis Haysbert” hit a nerve, but Nancy just wrote in to say AllState is expediting her claim:

Dealership Disappeared, Can I Return My Truck To Chevrolet?
Terry would like to return his new 2007 Chevrolet Avalanche with only 70 miles on it. The only problem is that when he drove it back to the dealership, they found an empty lot. The dealership had gone out of business.