I was visiting a Tigerdirect (Large Electronic Retail Store) in Naperville, IL today (8/23/07)(8/22/07). All was going well until after I had paid for my merchandise and tried to leave.

TigerDirect Unlawfully Restrains And Verbally Abuses Customer For Not Submitting To Receipt-Showing Demands

Can You Do Simple Math? Good, Then You'll Soon Realize Why You Need To Resolve My Complaint…
I’m continuing to read Unscrewed, and in this paragraph, author Ron Burley distills the basic premise behind forcing companies that have wronged you to give you what is due:
…one simple principle I have discovered that was extraordinarily effective in getting a fair resolution to a consumer problem: companies will act only in a manner that will benefit the bottom line. In other words, to get what you deserve, you must convince your opponent that helping you will be to his or her advantage.
Do the right thing? Corporate citizenship? Ethics? Plain ol’ fairnes? These words and phrases mean little to many big companies for whom churn, the rate at which customers leave and take business elsewhere, is a basic part of their business model. But they do understand the simple equation of incurring the least costs. Make the company realize that it will cost more to ignore you than to help you and soon you may find the tables turning in your favor.

Thomas And Friends Railroading Parents On Shipping Charges For Recalled Toys
The maker of Thomas the Tank Engines recalled for lead poisoning promised to send a replacement toy and refund parents the full cost of shipping back the recalled toys, but several parents are angry after receiving less-than-full reimbursement checks.
Consumers promote boycott of Conoco and BP stations along I-80 that post low prices on their signs but then charge 25-50 cents higher on most of the actual pumps. Under state law, the practice is legal. [Lincoln Journal Star]
Professional WIRED blogger experience the ignominy of waiting for days upon weeks for a Comcast installation. [Gadget Lab]

Jordan Fogal Responds To Your Comments About The Rotten Lemon Tremont Homes Sold Her
Two: We did not understand the true ramifications of arbitration, or it’s unfairness. No one who has not been caught in this snare does. We did not know that almost always big business wins. We thought it was like, OK kids lets sit down and not argue and fix this situation. We did not know the system was rigged. We did not understand the builders were repeat clients and the arbitrators meal tickets. No one understands arbitration companies are just the middle men. You still have to put on a trial and have all the costs associated: witnesses, subpoenas, expert testimony you even have to pay for the room to hold the arbitration in… We would not have had to pay a judge as we did an arbitrator or room rent or the astronomical fees charged by arbitration companies. Our arbitration fees alone were $9300. dollars. That does not include going to the kangaroo court where the rules of law no longer apply behind close doors. That was nearly $30,000 dollars…

Tremont Homes Sells Rotten Lemon, Provokes Victimized Homebuyer Into Five-Year Consumer Crusade
“We always wondered what life would be like in our sixties, our credit is ruined; we have stored, sold, and given away years of our memories; and for the last three years we have been holed up in a third story apartment.

Everyone But Me Gets To Watch TV, A DISH Install Horror Story
“July 25 – So, I recently moved and have had one hell of a time with DISH Network. Apparently my new apartment building has an “exclusive contract” with ATT. So I call up those guys to get some TV in my new apt. ATT tells me to call DISH directly (their partner) and I oblige because ATT doesn’t deal with apartment complexes. I get on the phone to DISH with a guy (I think his name was Sam) who happily placed my order, until he asked me what floor I live on and I told him third. Sam proceeded to tell me that because of insurance reasons their DISH installers will not install on third floor or higher. I was a little baffled by this and Sam told me to goto a DISH reseller, like Radio Shack.

MetLife "Accidentally" Drops Insurance Right Before Car Accident
“My girlfriend Lindsey recently purchased a brand-spanking new Toyota Yaris, which she affectionately refers to as “Yar-i.” This car was a much needed sigh of relief after a string of terrible lemon cars for her. This thing was her pride and joy. Along with buying the car, she signed up for MetLife car insurance for $900 to cover herself for about 9 months.

United Changes Direct Flight To One With Stopovers, Doesn't Tell Customers, Customer Service Reps Cheer And Clap In Background

Free Calls From Telemarketers With Digital Voice Service Activation!
Subscribers to Comcast Digital Voice service get more than just digital phone service installed when they sign up. They also get the pleasure of Comcast selling their phone number to telemarketers, fresh out of the box!

AMC Theater Apparently Smells Indescribably Bad
Yes, you are a great theater. You have large, new accommodations that really make the 7.50 I spend on a showing feel different from watching it on my laptop or friend’s TV. Your parking is usually free and you constantly have showings for stuff I’m into.

Buy.com Sells Refurbished Bluetooth Headsets Listed As New
Buy.com sold Chris two Jabra BT350 bluetooth headsets advertised as OEM, but one arrived with a broken charger and headset. When Chris contacted Jabra, as per Buy.com’s instructions, he was told that because the headset was refurbished, its warranty was void.

Dairy Queen Sends You A Friendly Email, Wonders How You Feel About Barry Bonds
Reader Andrew and his friend Chris went to Dairy Queen and had a crappy experience. Chris decided to send Dairy Queen the entire story of his life, but before he ran out of characters on the web form, he did manage to mention that a certain DQ was understaffed.

Over 300 Complaints: Maryland Public Service Commission Goes After Verizon
Verizon has violated Maryland state regulations by missing more than 20% of its scheduled appointments in 5 of the first 6 months of 2007, according to the Baltimore Sun.

Airline Complaints Up 47.2% In First Half
According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics complaints about airlines were up 47.2% in the first six months of 2007.

Circuit City Rep Offers Refund Of $389, Now Is "No Longer In The Dept" And Won't Help
Josh realized he forgot to click a “web only special” link when ordering something from CircuitCity.com, so he suspected that his order was not processed correctly. He called customer service as a precaution and sure enough, because he didn’t click the link they said he wouldn’t be getting the the deal and there was nothing they could do about it.