After reader Vikram ordered flowers online from, he realized he was receiving a monthly charge from an obscure company called “LiveWell” for $11.99 per month. He did some quick research and found out that many others were being duped into this program. Yet nobody, not even 1800flowers seemed to know what it actually is. What should he do? His letter and our advice, inside…

Delta's New Baggage Fee Is Retroactive
Delta is now charging $25, if you want to check more than one bag starting May 5, but they’re also backdating the fee. You can get it waived at check-in, but only if you bought between February 4, and April 4. This is of no help to reader Jason, who bought tickets back in January, and is now subject to a surprise $100 fee (he and his wife are both bringing two bags each). He writes, “If I would have known that when I booked I may have thought twice about Delta. I feel I was misled!” Jason tried emailing customer service but got nowhere. He might try sending them an executive email carpet bomb, based on the info in this post.

Chipotle Closes For Hepatitis A Outbreak, Have A Coupon!
An anonymous tipster wrote to us about how Chipotle, known for their delicious, healthy burritos, handled a Hepatitis A outbreak at his neighborhood store. This might be the one case of a corporation giving you something for free, and it not making the situation any better. Read his letter, inside.

Bank Of America Charges $10 Fee For Paying Parking Tickets
Reader Anthony writes that the financial warlocks…

How To Correctly Complain About Restaurant Service
David had a disappointing experience at a local…

Stingy Ben And Jerry's Manager Cuts Off Free Cone Supply, Ruining "Free Cone Day"
Karen is breaking up with Ben & Jerry’s because…

Verizon Offering Credits To Keep You From Escaping Contract Without Early Termination Fee
Alicia wants to escape her Verizon contract…

Why Is The New Centrum Advanced Formula Causing Stomach Pains?
“>nearly everyone reporting stomach pains. However, there are only eleven reviews for the product, so we’re wondering how many people have actually tried the new Centrum and suffered for it. Anyone here?

Man Arrested For Complaining Too Much
A Pennsylvania man was arrested for making too many complaints on behalf of his neighborhood to get the local government to enforce noise and air quality laws against a concrete manufacturer across the street from him. Silhol Builders Supply makes ready-mix cement and neighbors say they’re awoken by noise at 2 in the morning from the trucks, and that cement dust coats their windows. Marshall Pappert was appointed the neighborhood pointman to try to prod the local government to action, sending scores of letters and leaving phone messages. It was three messages left with borough Manager Lori Collins that brought the backlash. In them he called for her to resign and accused her of breaking promises to collect and test dust samples from neighborhood homes. She found this harassing and called the cops. Pappert is appealing his conviction. It’s a sad day when someone gets arrested just for asking the government to do its job.
Team 4: Complaining Bridgeville Neighbor Arrested For Harassment [The Pittsburgh Channel]

Geico Insurance Quote Increases Over $1,000 After Bait And Switch
After the contract was signed, mistakes made by a… Refuses To Delete Your Private Information
Dan is pissed because won’t remove his…

Microsoft CSR Changes Your Identity, Preventing You From Getting Your Xbox
Bryan Carroll can’t pick up his repaired Xbox because Microsoft printed his name on the address label as “Brian Dyranerool.” After he scheduled a repair with a CSR in India, Bryan was assured that he would receive a shipping box within 3-5 days. After 6 days had passed, he contacted an apologetic supervisor who said she would simply email him a shipping label and send out a free wireless controller for his wasted time and trouble. However, the name on his shipping label read, “Brian Dryanerool.” He contacted Microsoft about the error and was told that the problem was corrected. The good news is that Bryan’s Xbox was repaired and shipped swiftly to a UPS customer center. The bad news is that his box was addressed to “Brian Dryanerool,” and he was not allowed to pick up the repaired Xbox. Bryan describes his saga inside:

Why Does It Take IKEA Four Months To Replace A Defective Couch Cover?
Joyce has been waiting since December for IKEA to send her a replacement couch cover. IKEA admitted that the cover had a known defect, but since they were out replacements at the time, they promised to call Joyce a month later when new covers arrived. Joyce gave her information and asked for a reference number, but was told that one wouldn’t be necessary. Wouldn’t that have been nice?

Protesting Honda Civic SI Get Transmission TSB
Those Honda Civic SI owners who were holding protests in front of dealerships about the widespread transmission problem (where the 3rd gear kept grinding, popping out and randomly going into neutral), finally have their day. Honda issued a TSB (technical service bulletin) on the issue, so now owners experiencing the problem can go their dealership and get it repaired for free, provided they are still under warranty. It’s not quite the recall owners were hoping for, but it’s something. Guess Honda has now heard of the problem they previously said they “never heard of before.” Must have been all that negative news coverage. Here’s links to the TSB (for Honda dealers, for Acura dealers (PDF)) so you can print it out and bring with you. Inside, one of the original newscasts covering the uproar.

At HSBC "No Minimum Balance" Actually Means $0.01
Reader Erin found out that when HSBC says, “no minimum balance,” they actually mean, “at least $.01.” What seems like an innocent misunderstanding is actually going to cost Erin some time and trouble. It all began when she had to empty one of her HSBC accounts to make a large purchase. Because her account required no minimum balance she assumed all was well, until she went online and found out that HSBC had conveniently closed her account which can only be reopened in person. Erin writes:

Motorola Flip-Flops On Flap Failure
When reader Stuart bought his Motorola Razr V3XX, he was pleased with the phone but could not understand why the tiny flap covering the charger port was held in place by only 2 fragile plastic hinges. As if channeling the spirit of Nostradamus, Stuart made a startling prediction: This flimsy flap will fail. And it did. Twice. The first time, Motorola happily sent Stuart a new flap. But when the flap failed again 8 months later, Motorola unleashed a volley of red tape that left Stuart stuck. Stuart’s letter and Motorola’s response inside…

Landlord's Crappy Boiler Costs Us Big Time
Marcie writes:
I live in a 750 square foot apartment in Brooklyn, NY. Per the lease agreement, my roommate and I signed to pay the heat separate from the rent. The first gas bill we received was $750, and the following gas bill was roughly the same amount. We knew that the price of gas was expensive, but for two people who make great pains to use the heat only when absolutely necessary, and occasionally use the stove to boil a pot of water, this seemed ridiculous. For all of 2007, we owe roughly $2000 in gas costs.

Sprint Sends You Bill For $32,669
Jessie opened his Sprint bill and nearly had a heart attack. Staring back at him was in big bold letters: COLLECTION AGENCY ALERT. After recovering, Jessie looked at his bill and nearly had a second heart attack. It said the amount due was $32,669.00. Huh? Had his cellphone been hacked? Used as a call-home payphone for a neighborhood of Tajikistan émigrés? Used by NASA as a Space Station communications channel? Take a guess and then see the answer inside…