The list of major food companies and restaurants pledging to only use cage-free eggs in the future grew by one today: Nestlé announced a new goal of only using cage-free eggs in its wide array of products by 2020. [More]

Report: Grocers Failing In Commitment To Open New Stores In “Food Deserts”
In 2011, many of the nation’s largest food retailers committed to opening or expanding 1,500 grocery or convenience stores in and around neighborhoods without supermarkets by 2016, with the aim of providing healthier options for consumers. However, a new analysis of the four-year progress for the initiative found that only a fraction of these companies have lived up to their promise. [More]

Verizon on Net Neutrality: “Trust Us.”
With the depressing defeat of the Net Neutrality bill before the House Telecom and Internet subcommittee yesterday, many Internet users are getting a bit nervous. Are we on the precipitous edge of one of those nefarious slippery slopes people are always talking about? Will common sense prevail? If it doesn’t, can we trust providers like Verizon and AT&T to not cripple the Internet?