Earlier this year, Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY) said he would try to get federal regulators to come up with limits for airline seat size and spacing. But yesterday, his fellow senators shot down that effort. [More]

Senate Votes Against Minimum Legroom, Spacing Standards For Airline Seats

How To Always Get An Exit Row Seat
Exit rows are magical areas on airplanes where you’ll aways have that most rare and precious commodity known as “legroom.” On some airlines you’ll have to pay extra for the privilege. On others, it’s yours just for asking. Airfarewatchdog breaks down the exit row policies by airline so you can pick the flight that makes it easiest or know what you have to do to get that extra stretch space for your feet. [More]

Want To Sell More Housewares And Gadgets? Don't Carpet Your Store
Everything in a retail environment affects how we perceive things and how we shop–from the decor and lighting of a store to… the flooring? A study published this month in the Journal of Consumer Research provides scientific proof that the relative hardness of the floor customers stand on can affect their purchasing decisions. And no, comfier feet do not mean that customers will spend more money. [More]

PajamaJeans Help You Pretend You're Wearing Jeans
Sometimes you need to leave the house, for instance to go to the supermarket or to attend a job interview, and let’s face it: that’s when the Snuggie fails you. Until they make the formal Snuggie, there’s at least PajamaJeans. They’re like sweatpants, but disguised as jeans. Sadly they’re only for the ladies right now, so guys will have to stick to sweatpants when they give up on life. [More]

Crazy Landlord Fights Heat Wave With Air Conditioning Ban
An Oregon landlord refuses to let his tenants install air conditioners because he thinks they “look tacky.” Tenants of the Arbor Creek complex in Aloha who choose to sacrifice aesthetics for comfort have ten days to correct their mistake before facing eviction. One tenant’s kid already landed in the hospital thanks to heat stroke.

Delta Is Going To Flip Out If You Wear A Neck Brace In The Emergency Exit Aisle
Ned wears a neck brace when he flies, not because he’s injured or disabled, but because he prefers it to one of those floofy neck pillows. This didn’t sit well with a Delta flight attendant who was intent on keeping disabled-looking folks out of the emergency exit aisle. The attendant wouldn’t leave Ned alone, even after Ned demonstrated his range of mobility and explained that the brace was from a minor car accident thirty-three years ago. Ned managed to hold onto his seat after a chat with the senior flight attendant, but the original flight attendant later came back, “got in [Ned’s] face ñ literally, just inches away” and complained that Ned had “bucked his authority.”

Fly the Friendly Skies in a Coffin
Call it “Standing Tomb Only” airplane seating, a new cost-cutting measure proposes shuttling passengers across the sky strapped into coffin-sized spaces.