Dunce Dunn Bros Coffee is celebrating their newest location at the University of Minnesota by offering a coupon for a free medium coffee. For the price of a small.

This Free Coffee Is Surprisingly Expensive

Save Money On Coffee With A Home Espresso Maker
CNN Money takes a different approach, suggesting fine coffee lovers consider buying a home espresso maker.
If you want decaf coffee on the go, your best bet is McDonald’s, says Consumer Reports: cups from Dunkin’ Donuts, Starbucks, and Seattle’s Best Coffee varied unpredictably, spiking as hight as 20-30 mg of caffeine per serving, while McDonald’s was consistently under 5 mg. [Consumer Reports]

Coffee Makers As Overpriced Gadgets
So I’m in Lowes for some project materials and I pass by their appliance section. I need a new coffee maker as my $19.99 Mr. Coffee from Target isn’t getting the caffeine elixir hot enough anymore. I check out their array of coffee makers. I shouldn’t be, but I’m shocked at how many of them are the same plastic pieces of crap, just with varying degrees of unnecessary features.

Starbucks Busted For Union Busting
Another week, another round of Bad Employer news about Wal—oh wait, we mean Starbucks this time, which actually has a lower rate of insured employees than the discount chain (42% versus 47%). Last Thursday, the National Labor Relations Board accused Starbucks of “unlawful anti-union activity” at a store in Michigan, similar to the charges it’s currently on trial for in New York.

Attention: Starbucks Is Officially A Family Destination
Starbucks spokesman Brandon Borrman said there are still no plans to market specifically to children, and grown-ups need not worry that the Cartoon Network will be playing on the flat-panel screen of their neighborhood Starbucks anytime soon.

Starbucks To Stop Using Monsanto Milk
By the end of this year, Starbucks will no longer serve dairy products that contain Posilac, aka rBGH or rbST, the growth hormone manufactured by Monsanto, says a Reuters article. The company was already well on its way to cutting rBGH out of its menu—as of last month, 72% of their dairy comes from rBGH-free suppliers. According to a letter sent by Starbucks to Food & Water Watch (which has heavily campaigned against the synthetic hormone), “By December 31, 2007, all of our fluid milk, half and half, whipping cream and eggnog used in U.S. company-operated stores will be produced without the use of rBGH.”

According to one analyst, Starbucks may soon raise prices to boost operating margins. The caffeine chain, which hiked prices last October, does not comment on analyst rumors, but did say, “we are always monitoring the cost environment we are operating in.”

How To Clean Your Coffee Pot
Coffee taste gross? Buying it away from home instead of making it yourself like you know you should? Time to clean the coffee pot.

4 Days Until "Juicy Raspberry!"
Emily from Houston brings us breaking news of the Starbucks raspberry syrup situation:
I went to Starbucks today and read their countdown message board – 4 days to raspberry mochas and frappa-wappa-who-whatsits.

Confessions Of A Starbucks Barista
Jesse, who has worked at Starbucks for almost a year, has written a mythbusting “Buyer’s Guide” that will help you in your quest to save money when ordering your favorite Starbucks beverage. Our favorite tips? Frappucinos are a rip off, there’s no free ride at the drive-thru, and ordering a latte with chai syrup is cheaper than a chai with espresso.

Would You Like To See The Coffee List, Sir?
Coca-Cola and Sara Lee are developing tools to pair beverages with food in the hopes that soda, beer, and coffee may be the new wine.
The tool helps sales people figure out for restaurateurs that cheesecake, with its high fat content, calls for a dark roast, heavy bodied coffee with a high acidity level, she said. A fudge brownie, however, calls for a lower acidity level. And pound cake goes down better with a light roast coffee with high acidity.
Sara Lee’s pairing tool was unveiled two weeks ago, and Coca-Cola expects to implement a similar program next year. Ron DeSantis of the Culinary Institute of America thinks such tools will become prevalent as “U.S. palates become more sophisticated.” We never realized ordering water at a restaurant was the mark of an unsophisticated boor. Pairing tools will undoubtedly present restauranteurs with an opportunity to upsell certain beverages. Would you trust their recommendations? Tell us in the comments. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Don't Question The Existence Of God On Your Starbucks Cup Or Else
Starbucks is running a promotion whereby customers can submit their thoughts for inclusion on Starbucks cups, as part of an effort by Starbucks to “to promote open, respectful conversation among a wide variety of individuals,” according to their spokesperson.

Starbucks Moving Into The French Quarter?
After Hurricane Katrina, La Madeleine, a cafe and bakery that had occupied space in the French Quarter for 23 years, moved out, claiming that it didn’t get enough of a break on its rent following the storm. Now the site sits vacant, waiting for its next tenant. Will it be Starbucks?

If You're Not Ill, Drink Coffee With a Good Conscience
My wife grew up in Massachusetts, and her music teacher must have been a descendant of one of the original Puritan settlers. In chorus, the kids were taught a “coffee song,” which they sang , perhaps with fingers wagging, for the parents on recital night. The lyrics, approximately, were “C-O-F-F-E-E, coffee is not for me, it’s a drink that people wake up with, and it makes them nervous, it is a SIN…”

Free Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee Today
Yes. Today is the day! If you do decide to join the madness and get a free iced coffee, please take pictures of any incidents of depravity, murder, or coffee induced panic and send them to tips [at] consumerist [dot] com. Alternatively you can upload them to Flickr and submit them to our Flickr pool. Be sure to tag them with some variation of “dunkin donuts.”

Free Iced Coffee At Dunkin Donuts On Wednesday
On Wednesday, March 21, the official first day of spring, Dunkin’ Donuts will host its first-ever all day, nationwide “Free Iced Coffee Day.”