The fallout over CBS’ idiotic decision to forbid CNET staffers from bestowing an award on Dish Network’s ad-skipping Hopper DVR continues to rain down on, with the folks behind the Consumer Electronics Show not only deciding to give Dish the award, but also ditching CNET as the producer of the annual awards. [More]

CBS Also Refuses To Let CNET Review TV-Streaming Service Aereo
Hot on the heels of inadvertently giving Dish’s ad-skipping Hopper DVR a publicity boost by refusing to let the editors of CNET give an award to the device, the executives at CNET’s parent company CBS apparently want everyone to hear about live-TV streaming service Aereo. [More]

Dish Gives Itself The Award That CBS Stopped CNET From Giving
A week after CBS execs told the editors of CNET they could not give its Best Of Show award to Dish’s Hopper DVR because the broadcaster is suing Dish over the device, their decision has backfired, with the satellite TV provider using the incident as a way to promote their product. [More]

CNET Not Allowed To Consider Dish’s Hopper DVR For Award Because Of CBS Lawsuit
Last spring, Dish Network introduced its ad-skipping Hopper DVR and was quickly sued by the networks. Now, CNET can’t consider the device for its “Best of CES” award because of the suit filed by CBS. [More]

Few Pirated Titles Named In Copyright Infringement Case Against CBS Interactive
A copyright lawsuit against CBS Interactive, the parent company of CNET, claims the company helped others infringe on copyrights by promoting and profiting on LimeWire downloads via in 2008. But when asked to provide a list of songs and movies that CNET allegedly helped others pirate, the plaintiffs came up with only six obscure titles: one movie (2007’s Fish Tales) and five songs which don’t yet have U.S. copyright registration. [More]

Rappers Sue CBS Interactive, Alleging It Profited From Music Piracy
A lawsuit led by rap artists alleges CBS Interactive, the parent company of CNET, aided copyright infringement by promoting and profiting on downloads of file-sharing service LimeWire. [More] And Webloyalty Reservation Rewards – Say It Isn't So!
CNET has a great article today about sneak attack merchants Webloyalty/Webvertrue/Reservation Rewards. It focuses on the relationship between and the company that is suspect enough that the federal government is now interested.

Former Best Buy Salesperson Says: Electronics Salespeople Are Useless
Over on CNET, blogger and former Best Buy salesperson Sharon Vaknin shares her acquired wisdom with the Internet, putting together a list of the “7 things electronics salespeople won’t tell you.” What are they?