Whether you’ve already done your spring cleaning or you’re still avoiding it, your home probably has lots of stuff you don’t need anymore — Junk. Stuff. Crapola. Where to get started separating the keepers from the junk? [More]
Confessions Of A Former Hoarder
Most people presumably watch the A&E show Hoarders to gawk at people who lack self-control and have allowed themselves to live in squalor. But then there’s another subset of the viewership, who watch because they see a little too much of themselves in the subjects. [More]

Twitter Will Give You Advertweets From Accounts You Don't Follow
Corporations get to tweet all day at customers who follow them on Twitter, but have had trouble reaching those who don’t sign up to be spammed by their 140-character offers. Twitter has solved the problem by pledging to push ad-generated tweets to accounts that don’t follow the advertiser, targeting users based on an “interest graph” generated from the list of accounts they do follow. [More]

Twitter Pushes Ad-Generated Tweets To Tops Of Feeds
In an effort to give sponsors more bang for their buck while somewhat disregarding the needs of its users, Twitter has started to push sponsored tweets up to the tops of feeds. The 140-characters-or-less ads only show up in feeds that you follow, scroll down in the normal way as newer Tweets appear and can be deleted with a click. [More]

Simplify Your Life
For a guide to simplifying your life, this 7-step, multi-bulleted guide looks a little complex. So pick one tip to get inspired by, like getting some unnecessary possessions out of the house. Feeling overwhelmed is a catalyst for emotional spending and other unwise activities, and the little things building up can be little seeds of unraveling. Sometimes the best way to take care of frayed ends is to snip them. [More]

Hoarder's Body Found Under Mounds Of Trash In Home
Four months after her death, the missing body of 67-year old woman was found buried underneath the piles of thrift store nicknacks in her home that had come to define her life. Her husband finally found her, her feet sticking out under a mountain of garbage and geegaws. [More]

Don't Buy These Worthless Pieces Of Junk …Or Should You?
Over at WalletPop, they’ve made a lovely slideshow of what are, in their opinion, the “20 Most Worthless Pieces of Junk.” A few, I agree with, and most of them I quite emphatically don’t. Living without books or an iron would be such a fundamental change in my life that I can’t contemplate it.

Spring Cleaning Time!
DECLUTTER!!! As my Auntie always used to say, “Look one way and pitch the other”. Look, I know it’s hard to get rid of your beloved stuff, but trust me, it’s better this way. If it’s really nice stuff that someone might use, give it away on Freecycle. Do NOT save stuff for a yard sale, unless you’re having that yard sale immediately.
True words, people. True words. —MEGHANN MARCO