
Loose Bolt Might Have Caused Last Week's China Airlines Super Explosion

Airlines worldwide are urged to check the nut and bolt assemblies on 737 series 600 through 900. Stateside, these planes are flown by Continental, Southwest, Delta, American, and Alaska Airlines.

100 Calorie Packs Are Still A Scam, Cost More For Less Food

ABC News took a look at the issue, grabbing soundbites from Michael Jacobson from the CSPI as well as collecting rebuttals from the various snack-mongers.

Get What You Paid For

Consumer advocate Ron Burley describes the reasons the state of customer service is in such disrepair, and the basic gist on how consumers can get what they paid for when things go wrong.

AT&T Stops Sending Several Hundred Page Long iPhone Bills

AT&T yesterday decided to stop raping forests and stop sending customers several hundred-page long iPhone bills itemizing every single photo they accessed while web-browsing. The change was announced In a text message sent out to subscribers that read:

AT&T free msg: We are simplifying you paper bill, removing itemized detail. To view all detail go to Still need full paper bill? Call 611

Tasty Blog Snack blogger Justine Ezarik, whose video of opening the box containing her 300 page bill received several million views, curtly thanked AT&T for the shift in a new video, above. She all but places her hands on her hips, bucks her head and says, “Thass right, girlfriend,” but we’re sure that’s only because she doesn’t want to damage the iPhone she’s holding.

Ben Stein Talks Retirement

The series is full of good, basic information on the fundamentals of retirement planning — a great resource for those wondering how to plan for retirement as well as those who need a brief refresher course on the subject.

China Airlines Jet Explodes Into Balls Of Flame On Runway

China Airlines has the worst safety record for its region, with an accident rate of 4.59%

And This Is Your $4190.76 iPhone Bill

And This Is Your $4190.76 iPhone Bill

Like others, Pierre had found out the hard way just how extremely expensive international data transfer rates are…

Video Released Of Drunken Delta Stewardess' Arrest

A video was released yesterday of the 26-year-old’s arrest and imprisonment for boozing it up. About 16 seconds in she flips out when they try to remove her pinned-on wings.


Parking in New York is such a hassle that NYPD cops have no choice but to park in front of hydrants when they patronize Victoria’s Secret and get sandwiches from the bodega. [The Red Tape Chronicles]

How UPS Delivers When You're Not Watching

(Thanks to gbcue!)

20,000+ International Passengers Stranded In LAX

At one point, airlines were given clearance to get fuel and food, but many airlines didn’t take advantage of it, for whatever reason.

Stephen Colbert Weighs In On Botulism, Chinese Poison Train, Subprime Lending

Who’s reading us now? Stephen Colbert weighs in on a bunch of Consumerist topics with more gravitas than we can muster ourselves. Sorry we missed the whole “dentist puts boar tusks in your mouth while you’re anesthetized” story. We’ll try to do better next time.

McDonald's Introduces 1/3 Pound Burger

Supersize Me’s effects have worn off. Burger King takes market share by introducing more calorie rich items. And, you need something for the new 42 oz Hugo to wash down.

TSA Will Screen Sky Harbor Airport 24/7, Instead Of Just 19.5/7

PREVIOUSLY: Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport: Secured for Only 19.5 Hours Per Day

Beware Nationwide Locksmith Swindle

Takeaway: AAA membership has perks. Or, consider taking a few to find a locksmith with a good local word of mouth and putting their number on your cellphone. The fire department can unlock cars, but only if it’s on fire or there’s a baby trapped inside. And of course, try not to lock your keys in your car.

Canceled Flights Up 133%

Why? Number of flights are up 14%. Essentially, we’re looking at a traffic jam in the air, and on the tarmac.

ER Check-In Via Electronic Kiosk

Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas is the nation’s first hospital to have electronic kiosks for ER check-in. The goal is to speed the patient registration process and delivery of care, and reduce costs. Looks like a win-win situation. Just hope it doesn’t go all The Tower on you.


Reader Bricko revealed the identity of the journalist who filed a story on 24-Hour Fitness from his hospital bed: It’s Marvin Zindler, beloved Houston TV personality, whose consumer reports often focus on rat and roach droppings, and “slime in the ice machine,” found in local restaurants. [Wikipedia, YouTube]