Using some Rit dye, you can customize your Wiimote’s straps.
clearance items
Clearance Items
Sallie Mae, Mr. Kennedy charged, may have threatened a borrower with jail if the borrower failed to pay; may have used abusive language and harassed borrowers’ families and friends; and may have fired employees who tried to help students obtain information about their loans. Mr. Kennedy also alleged that the company may have intentionally sent borrowers’ bills to the wrong addresses in order to force the account into default.
Clearance Items
Today is Equal Pay Day, the day when women’s annual wages finally catch up with what men made through December 31 of the last year.
Clearance Items
Google’s policy raises concerns that it can link data on which websites its users visit with personally identifying information and that, once again, consumers might not realize the amount of privacy they are sacrificing whenever they search the web.
Clearance Items
“Uncle Ben is a rare survivor in the once-crowded world of racist spokescharacters. Most of his contemporaries were fired a long time ago.”
Clearance Items
This would normally be the preferred way of doing things, but occasionally you’ll find yourself on a work or school connection that disallows you from connecting to certain web sites. In these scenarios, what you need is a proxy
Clearance Items
“You mean, when I get hit with a late fee, it’s like someone punching our kitten?”
Clearance Items
“One of the former Viet presidents received these hollowed out elephant feet as a present. Seriously, where’s the receipt, ’cause I would have preferred a blender or something more practical.” –amayadoyzie
Clearance Items
In this filing, we are asking the Copyright Royalty Board judges for a public rehearing where we can provide supplemental testimony and oral argument of its motion, on the public record. We are also asking the CRB and the recording industry to remember public radio’s non-commercial status and our public service mission, as other royalty groups and decisions have done for years.
Clearance Items
“Folks, the ground underneath the house goes with it. You do know that, right?”