circuit city

Circuit City Will Access A Secret Panel In Your TV For $104.74

Circuit City Will Access A Secret Panel In Your TV For $104.74

I bought a new 46″ Sony Bravia TV in January of this year from Circuit City in the Sugarhouse area of Salt Lake City (Store#3350 801-463-4600). Being a pretty technical guy, I tweaked the brightness, contrast, color temperature and other settings to my content. The picture looks great, but I was told from friends that it’s good to have the TV calibrated from a professional as they have access to a service panel that your normal everyday consumer can’t get to. They’re supposed to tweak the settings according to ambient light in the room, and an end result is they also reduce power consumption making the TV last longer.

Circuit City's AA Battery Packaging Is Remarkably Sturdy

Reader Dave has an issue with Circuit City’s battery packaging. I ordered some batteries on sale from Circuit City, recently. When they arrived, the package made insane amounts of noise.

Circuit City Extends Return Window For Suddenly Obsolete HD DVD Players

Circuit City Extends Return Window For Suddenly Obsolete HD DVD Players

Circuit City, which has a usual 30-day return policy, is allowing customers who purchased HD DVD players to return them for store credit. The policy doesn’t apply to HD DVD movie discs.

Happy Resolution To Very Strange Circuit City iPod Touch Bait And Switch

Happy Resolution To Very Strange Circuit City iPod Touch Bait And Switch

Circuit City lied to Ian about giving him a discounted iPod Touch, but now he has a satisfactory resolution. He writes:

After writing a number of emails to Circuit City and after a making few more (fruitless) calls, I tried something new and posted my story to their public online customer service forums. The forum manager responded very quickly and promised that someone would call me back to resolve things. I received two calls last Thursday from Circuit City staff who wanted to help fix the situation;

Very Strange Circuit City iPod Touch Bait And Switch

Very Strange Circuit City iPod Touch Bait And Switch

Ian writes:

Last Thursday 2/14, I ordered a 32GB iPod touch from at $474 + tax for a total of about $514. After thinking about it for a bit, I logged back in and canceled the order – just a bit too steep for an iPod, you know? I figured I’d have to wait a while for the price to drop, and left it at that. Well, believe it or not, I received a call at work today from a Circuit City sales rep at corporate telling me he’d offer me the iPod at a discount, so CC could keep my business. I was baffled – nothing like this has ever happened to me before, but the price he gave me $420 + tax… was too good to pass up.

When "FireDogs" And "Geeks" Don't Know What's Wrong, You Pay

When "FireDogs" And "Geeks" Don't Know What's Wrong, You Pay

Channel 10 out of Columbus, Ohio recently conducted a sting operation in which they equipped themselves with an easily repaired laptop and took it to Geek Squad, FireDog and Micro Center to see who could figure out what was wrong.

10 Confessions Of A Circuit City FireDog Technician

10 Confessions Of A Circuit City FireDog Technician

A FireDog Technician writes in with the following confessions.

Really Annoying Circuit City Trip Results In Lost Time And Rebate

Really Annoying Circuit City Trip Results In Lost Time And Rebate

Subject: Store # 3160 – Problem at Checkout

Firing All The Smart People Isn't Working: Circuit City Sales Down 12%

Firing All The Smart People Isn't Working: Circuit City Sales Down 12%

Circuit City’s same store sales for the month of December are down 12% in the U.S., causing some to speculate that firing all the people who understand the products you carry might not be a winning sales strategy.

Returning A Defective Home Theater To Circuit City Makes You Bang Your Head Against A Wall

Returning A Defective Home Theater To Circuit City Makes You Bang Your Head Against A Wall

“On November 29th, 2007, I purchased a Phillips HTS3544 HTIB (Home Theater in-a-box) online at circuit for $197.47. This included the extra that I paid for expedited 3-day shipping. Done. I thought with the weekend coming up I would receive it around December 3rd-4th. And thats when the problems started rolling on it. The first problem was that the circuit city warehouse didn’t even notify FedEx until December 4th, and I didn’t receive the item until December 7th (which is 3-day on FedEx’s part). Okay, fine, I think Ill just call and have the extra charges refunded. But no way did I know this would spiral into what it has become.”

After Laying Off 3,400 Experienced Employees, Circuit City Reports 3rd Quarter Loss, Showers Top Executives With Lavish "Retention Awards"

After Laying Off 3,400 Experienced Employees, Circuit City Reports 3rd Quarter Loss, Showers Top Executives With Lavish "Retention Awards"

Circuit City President Philip Schoonover responded to 3rd quarter losses of $207.3 million by unveiling a retention program that will reward each top executive with $1 million. This is the same management team that axed 3,400 experienced salespeople leading to 2nd quarter losses of $62.8 million. Circuit City has already lost three (3) top executives this year, and Schoonover warns that the future earnings will be imperiled unless his management team remains intact.


Circuit City posted a rather large loss this quarter, $207.3 million, up from $20.4 million a year ago. Stocks fell nearly 21% on the news. We went into a Circuit City a few years ago and remember it as being overwhelmingly gray in color. [CNN Money]

Delete Your Porns: Court Says You Have No Right To Privacy When Your Computer Is Repaired

Delete Your Porns: Court Says You Have No Right To Privacy When Your Computer Is Repaired

Evidence uncovered by retail store technicians (i.e. kiddie porn), is legally admissible as evidence in court because, “If a person is aware of, or freely grants to a third party, potential access to his computer contents, he has knowingly exposed the contents of his computer to the public and has lost any reasonable expectation of privacy in those contents…,” the Superior Court of Pennsylvania ruled December 5th. The case hinged on the question of whether kiddie porn a Circuit City tech found could be admitted as evidence, overturning a lower court’s decision. The Superior Court of PA also referred to codecs, computer video compression and decompression software, as “code X.”

Reader Wins Epic Quest For Black Friday TV Deal From Circuit City

Reader Wins Epic Quest For Black Friday TV Deal From Circuit City

Mitch writes:

There are several types of people out there, but I’m the kind of person who believes people should stick with what they say. Circuit City offered a Sharp 46″ Aquos on Black Friday this year, but they weren’t about to let me have it easily. Now, having done Black Friday in the past I knew I would be in for a fight to get my TV, but what I had to go through was just ridiculous.

Fine Print Mars In-Store Pickup Guarantees

Fine Print Mars In-Store Pickup Guarantees

Best Buy, Sears, and Circuit City all promise fast and easy in-store pickup for online orders and are willing to pay if they fail to deliver. Mouseprint scoured the fine print of each guarantee in search of loopholes.

Circuit City Also Steals Porn From Your Computer

Circuit City Also Steals Porn From Your Computer

Stealing porn from customer’s computers isn’t just for Best Buy, one reader reports they’re doing it at Circuit City, too. He writes:I wanted to write in about my recent experience with employment at circuit city. I work at a circuit city in Colorado, I was recently hired as holiday help.


We don’t necessarily agree that this Circuit City customer should have gotten a purple thumb drive for the same price as the same black one, or gotten a deal after it had expired, but two things are certain: One, he pursued his deal beyond the point of reason, and Two, the complaint’s ornate tone and its litany of gripes makes for an entertaining read. [CheapAssGamer]


An LA resident reports he was verbally threatened and banned from Circuit City after insisting that the store honor its car audio installation guarantee. [Atwater Village Newbie]